Broken Hearted

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"Look Izuku I think it's best that we don't continue seeing one another. What happened last night was a mistake. So can we maybe get the surgery and just go our separate ways?" Izuku looked fairly shocked at what his soul mate said but just smiled that deceptive smile and nodded. He hated it with all his being but he knows that Ochaco has been eyeing him for a while now and he also knew that she hated him for being destined mates. "Let me guess, Uravity..?" Bakugo looked away, "Yeah. I mean look at her Deku... She's powerful, gentle, shy, but most importantly she's a female. I know were supposed to be soulmates but its not right..." Izuku looked at him with tears in his eye and opened his backpack. He pulled out a pair of scissors and cut the string and walked to the nurses office. Bakugo stood there for a moment shocked but shrugged it off and continued on his way to class.

  "So let me get this straight, he suggested that and you decide to just cut the string then and there? Does he remember the musical mating part not to mention you can only have kids with your destined mate..?" Izuku shook his head, "Honestly Recovery Girl I don't know if he remembers that part. But I'm fine... I'll just wait for him to remember that music between us is a melody no one else will understand. Who knows maybe one day I'll become a musician and remind him..." Recovery girl pulled out a sting end from her cabinet and put it on Izuku's finger, "Honestly, it's a good thing I keep in touch with the hospital otherwise your mother would be paying at least a thousand for this silly thing. Tell Bakugo to come see me after class unless he and Ochaco already tied up." Izuku nodded, once he arrived back to class he saw them making out and instantly felt sick. But then he felt something else. His heart literally stopped for a moment. Everyone was looking at him, the light left his emerald eyes and his string turned black for a moment and he walked out. "Midoriya where are you going?!" Kirishima shouted. Midoriya looked at the entire class and they looked at him as he turned his head back to them while tears fell, he said to them unfazed, "I'm not wanted so I'm just going to go." He closed the door and everyone then looked at Bakugo. "Bakugo I may be your bro but... Even I'm mad that you did that to him." "He'll get over it." 'He deserves better anyway.' He thought to himself. Izuku went to the music room and sat in front of the piano and sighed. "I know he will feel this too but..." He sent Bakugo a message. 

D: Sorry about what's about to happen...


D: Looks like you forgot... 

 Bakugo then felt his heart tighten... 'Ah fuck. I thought the music connection was a myth..' Bakugo ignored it and focused on other things. 'I know he's hurt but it's for the best.'

5 Years Later

   "It's been six months since number one hero 'Deku' decided to temporarily step down due to injury. He has notified his fanbase via social media that he is recovering well and will come back when his rehabilitation is fully done. Now the question is will Ground Zero be able to hold a candle to the former shining beacon of hope until he decides to return or will he..?" "Hey I was watching that Kirishima" "Sorry Izuku but as your friend I have to stop you. After all your supposed to be recording a song aren't you, Black-heart?" Izuku smiled, "Yeah but I also don't want him to know that I'm back in Japan..." "Look as long as he doesn't physically see you it should be fine right? I mean you can wear a mask that hides your face or makeup.." Izuku laughed at the thought of himself in makeup. 

   Bakugo was pacing his apartment, Ochaco hadn't called or come to see him in weeks, Her original soulmate was Tsu but she had cut her thread to tie with Bakugo. His phone rang jolting him out of his thoughts, "Hello? Oh so you FINALLY decided to call me after three weeks? Care to explain why my thread is pink now?!" "Bakugo I'm sorry It's just Tsu and I... reconnected and well..." "Well what?" Bakugo listened while he grabbed his stopper and put it on the string. "I still love her, a lot. And we had a passionate night and long story short... I can't stay with you any longer. But some advice, look for Deku. I know it's a stretch but maybe you really do love him. I'll pick my things up tonight. Goodbye." With that she hung up leaving a stunned Bakugo. He slumped on the wall laughing, "No way in hell will that nerd will want me back, I don't blame him." His phone dinged again, a youtube notification stating that an artist he follows uploaded a new song. "oh black-heart put out a new video. Let's take a look." He clicked the video and was welcomed by a fox mask;

"Hey everyone I'm back. I know I was gone for a few months but that's life. Anyway I saw a lot of you requested that I do a Q&A sooo before that, here is a song as far as a dedication... Oh I got one, this is to the mate that left me alone. While I'll never be over you, I hope you are doing well and if you ever see this, um... Hi, how you been? Well let's get this going shall we?"

  "Well that's all today you guys. Be sure to check my discord to stay updated. goodnight my lovely flowers." He blew a kiss and the video ended. "Why does his voice sound familiar? Like I've heard it before... Oh right I should check up on Midoriya... This will be odd though." Bakugo said to an empty house. You know what can't hurt to try... He scrolled to Midoriya's number and dialed.

    Midoriya looked at his phone as it rang "NO!" Kirishima walked in and saw the caller ID, "Pick it up idiot!" With a sigh of defeat, he picked up "Hello? Oh hey Bakugo. It's pretty late for you guys isn't it? How are things with Uravity? Oh I see sorry to hear that. Me..? Oh I'm doing better. I'm actually going to be back in Japan tomorrow afternoon. A S/O..? Oh um no I don't have one nor see the need for one really. Well... I really don't have time for something as unnecessary as love. I mean yeah I changed. When this stopper was implanted, all feelings that could hinder my progress I put on the back burner. Now Bakugo I have to go. I have a plane to catch. Goodbye." Izuku hung up and Kirishima looked at him with a wide grin, "So, now is your chance. Will you.." Midoriya held up a hand to stop him, "No, I will continue to do my music and see if something happens organically. For now though while I do still harbor feelings for him, I will not chase what does not want me." With that Midoriya went back to editing and setting up for his Q&A.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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