They used to bury their daughters, kill them right after they were born.

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On the Day of Judgment 'When the infant girl buried alive is asked,' for what crime she was killed."(Quran 81:8-9)
You think you've moved forward, that you have progressed. But, this is far from the reality.
Perhaps you don't bury your daughters right after they're born, but you kill them slowly.
You bury them under the weight of expectations. You bury them under the pressure of being physically attractive so that they find suitable partners. You bury them under your unreasonable comparisons between sons and daughters.You kill them when you tell them they aren't strong, that they aren't capable. You kill them when you tell them they aren't confident. You kill them when you tell them that they can't be as successful as their brothers.
You bury their wishes when you marry them off to men they never wanted to be with, in the first place. You bury them when you reject their choices, their decisions, their ability to judge and analyze.
You kill them when you stop respecting them, when you think there is no use of making them study. You kill them when you reinforce stereotypical ideas in their mind- girls are born to cook and clean. You kill them by abusing them, by taking advantage of them.
You bury their hopes and dreams when you laugh at them, and ridicule them. You bury them when you belittle them.
You will be asked why you buried them and killed them slowly, when He blessed you with daughters who you had to protect. He will ask you why you slowly killed your wives when you were blessed with a partner who you had to respect. He will ask why you buried your mother's wishes and requests when you were supposed to take care of her.
So, before this happens, before the Day arrives, help her live again, help her breathe again.Listen to her, be there for her, care for her, and protect her. Believe in her, and help her believe in herself.
Because in today's world, there are many who want to bury us, but few who want us to live life freely.
Be those few.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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They used to bury their daughters, kill them right after they were born.Where stories live. Discover now