The Ruination

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The sky was calm the birds were gliding and a handsome boy, the jet black hair he had eyes like hawks body like a lion 🦁 entered the class named Michael or mike!!!
Everyone's eyes 👀 pop opend  and the heat 🔥 of sun ☀ even vanished his cool temper was enough for everyone the topper of class always perfect....
He returned home and left for gym ⛹️ came back 🔙 in evening did study and dawdled for cricket
The shine in the eyes made everyone smile ☺ he got fame was young ( 17 years old) very mature and sharp minded but all of a sudden the downfall of the poor boy 👦 took place he was well and good but he felt something was wrong with his soul he started to get sick Michael's heartbeat was always touching the sky but still he pulled himself together and continued his routine by the time this issue increased and it was a disaster who knows.......
Michael started leaving everything no gym no games distracted from studies and this heart issue made his parents worry they went to the best doctors of London but there was no cure to this trouble he ate different pills. His parents cried the entire night prayed to God to spare his life. They thought there was an issue with his heart... But Michael had lost his mind and the happiness the sharpness the attraction of his body just everything he stayed away from his family 👪 if someone talks to him he lost his temper!! His life was just left useless he felt his body lifeless he can't control his rage against the issues he had his parents thought he has      physcological issues..........
But in result they were wrong again

All of sudden the flavor to all these issues was added which petrified his parents this issue was beyond belief


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