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   It was pitch dark and a pin drop silent... All he could remember was running out of the house and then black out...

He was just 17years old... In high school..... He wouldn't say his life was normal... But pretty boring... Rich, filthy rich because his father was a Minister and some say that he might be next candidate for prime minister but that's not why he was rich his mother was a socialite and his grandfather has left a big business empire for them to manage... He is been groomed to be a part of it... For now his elder sister and elder brother are managing it...

But I said he has boring life, you might think his life would be party, girls or drugs or whatever the kids his age was doing... It's a big NO... He found out people only approched him for money very early in his life... So he doesn't have any close friends to hangout with, but he do hang out with some who are in the same social group sometimes atleast they don't approach him for his money... Girlfriend? He has one, not willingly but his father kind of forced him to go out with the girl, she was also a daughter from a rich family... and he know that girl also was not much interested in him, more like she was interested in his brother...

And who is he again? He is OFF JUMPOL ADULKITTYPORN.... Heir to "TUMCIAL GROUPS"...

And coming back to present situation, what happened? He was jumping over the back fence of his manor and started running out when he felt someone following him...


everything was black..

He didn't know how much time has passed but he tried to open his eyes and get up but he couldn't.... Severe head ache.. but then he realised he was in odd position... He can feel his hands and legs were tied... God he got kidnapped? He didn't panic... He was taught to handle situation like this... Being rich and son of a politician he knows that chances of being kidnapped are he had training for it..

Breathing in and out he waited for sometime before trying to open the eyes again.... It was a dimly lit room... He again closed his eyes to gain some more strength... While he also heard a foot step approach...

Again breathing in he opened his eyes to meet whoever the ugly kidnapper was... But his breath hitched on seeing that beautiful face, that was so close to him... Big eyes, sharp nose, plump lips, a short hair... He has never seen a girl this beautiful...

But everything went to drain, when his eyes traced below the beautiful neck... Flat shirtless chest??? Is it a Boy.... Off choked on his own saliva on realising that he was actually looking at a boy... His eyes widened... Then the boy gave a small smile, and got up from kneeling position and went somewhere... But Off can clearly hear him...

"Pa~ aw~..awake"

The boy shuttered... but the voice was soft and beautiful..

"Give him food, Gun" , this was a harsh voice, Off concluded that he must be the kidnapper...

Time has passed before the door again opened revealing the same boy with a plate and cup in his hands... He placed in front of Off and looked at him... And Off was also looking at him..


He struggled to say that one word....

Off: how?

He motioned to the position he was in..

As if realising his mistake the small boy helped Off to sit.. and again stared at him...

Off: my hands are tied...

"Is the boy stupid?" Off thought to himself...

But the small boy just stood scratching his head as if thinking something and soon he took a spoonful of food and raised it to Off's mouth...

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