About Claire

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Full name: Claire Diamond DumbleDore Bonds
Age: 15
Year: 5
Enemies: Everyone at Hogwarts except the teachers
Job: Auror
Nicknames: Princess (Ministry) Diamond (Friends) Bonds (Enemies)
Family: Ariana Bonds (Mum), Don Bonds (Dad), Albus Dumbledore (Grandfather), Molly Weasley (Aunt), Authur Weasley (Uncle)
Bio: Hey! I am Claire Diamond Dumbledore Bonds! I am the youngest Auror ever. I started being at auror when I was 12 and it has been 3 years since I went to Hogwarts. My Reason? Being Bullied by the whole school. Even Harry Potter! And my cousins Ron, Fred, George! But Not Ginny,Bill,Charlie and Percy! We get along great! But anyways, the ministry calls me The Ministery Princess Because I am a girl and I am good at being at Auror! Part of my job is to Protect the Wizarding world from Ole' Voldy and to put bad people In jail! I can do seventh year magic, non Verbal magic which means I get to use magic without any words or wands all I need to do is think it and I get to do magic because I got permission and I am an Auror! I got bullied because I got Braces, glasses and All the things geeks have! I wanted to change because it started to get annoying everytime to get a check up on my eyes so I made my own spell to remove my Braces and Glasses perks of my job! Oops gotta my mum is calling me

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