Slow Dance With Me

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It was early in the morning, so most of the class were already asleep in their dorms. Midoriya had wondered down for a (not so) midnight snack, Todoroki was scrolling on his phone, too lazy to drag his ass up to his room, and Iida was staring blankly at his laptop screen.

"Good morning you two!" Midoriya chirped, knowing fully it was too early for his enthusiasm. "Why are you two still awake? It isn't Sunday you know."

"Mmm... I'm aware." Iida mumbled, rubbing his face. "I can see it's," He looked at the screen again. "2:30 in the morning. I just finished cleaning up plates from dinner, I was about to look at the homework Present Mic set us earlier."

"That isn't due til next week! You should go to bed, take care of yourself!" Midoriya huffed, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite, letting the flavours flood his dry mouth. "Oh, I needed that." He sighed.

"Hey, Todoroki's awake as well!" Iida complained.

"And I fully expect him to get up and go to bed as well." Midoriya said, walking over to Todoroki and kissing him on the head. Todoroki looked up like he hadn't noticed Midoriya had come downstairs.


"Hi. You should be asleep." Midoriya pointed to the clock on the wall.

"Oh. I didn't even realise." Todoroki mumbled, leaning his head up to kiss Midoriya on the lips.

"Mhm." Midoriya hummed into the kiss. "Well, let's all go to bed, yeah?" He was cut off by a loud noise coming from Iida's laptop. It was quickly clicked off by an embarrassed Iida, but Todoroki perked up at hearing it.

"I'm sorry! I clicked a link and I didn't realise it would lead to that!"

"No, no. I like that song. Could you play some more of it?" Todoroki requested. Iida hesitated before rewinding the video and hitting play.

Todoroki got up and held his hand out to Iida, who took it and was dragged into a slow dance as the tune of 'Lili Marlene' sang by Vera Lynn played softly in the background.

"The lyrics are in English, but the song was originally in German." Todoroki commented as he rested his head on Iida's shoulder and they gently swayed together with the music. "It's a war song, from the second world war if I remember correctly."

"She's an incredible singer," Iida breathed.

"Mhm. She lived to 103 as well. Died in the cursed year, 2020."

"Eurgh. That's the one they teach as the terrible year of the 2000s. 2073 comes close though." Midoriya said, crunching on the rest of the apple and throwing it away, then bounded over to the other two. "Lemme join."

"I don't know how well a slow dance will work with three people." Iida said, fatigue starting to drip into his voice.

"Come on, we can make it work. We always make it work!" Midoriya whined, Todoroki nodded and kissed Iida's jaw line. Midoriya budged his way in between their arms, looping his arms around their backs.

"Hm... I'm tired." Iida stated, almost completely leaning on the other two now.

"We can see that." Midoriya laughed as the hums of the military ensemble faded out. "Come on, let's go back to my dorm. It can be a sleepover!"

"That's against the rules..." Iida reprimanded weakly.

"Says the boy who went to murder someone."

"He deserved it."

"That's not really debatable, but not very hero like for a rule stickler. So come on, my dorm?" Midoriya asked hopefully. Iida sighed and nodded, slowly moving to turn off his computer.

"Yay! I'll go set up the second mattress." Midoriya cheered, albeit quietly.

"Can't we all fit of your bed?" Todoroki asked pointedly.

"Hm... That's true! Come on." Midoriya smiled, grabbing one of Iida's hands while Todoroki took the other, along with the exhausted boy's laptop.

As they settled in Midoriya's bed, the two smaller boys using Iida as a pillow, Midoriya let out a sigh.

"Hey... I love you." He murmered. Todoroki hummed and Iida whispered back the same sentiment as he fell asleep.

When they woke, they were a bit stiff because Midoriya's mattress was definitely not big enough for three people. Midoriya groaned as he stretched and accidentally fell out of the bed and Iida laughed gently and offered his hand to help him up. Todoroki groaned about it being too early to wake up, burying his head under the covers.

Midoriya kissed Iida's hand, pulling him out of bed as well, and subsequently Todoroki, who was being held by Iida. The two older boys laughed as Todoroki complained about it being too cold and trying to get back into bed.

When it became a wrestling match between Iida and Todoroki to keep him away from the blankets, Midoriya got up to brush his teeth. With a final look at the two still play fighting, he smiled, his heart warming slightly.

He loved his boyfriends so much.

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