Arrange Marriage?

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A/n : Kinda changed some little parts 

Jungkook's POV

"hyung, why can't we say to our parents that we're dating?" i ask taehyung who is beside me 

"baby, we need some time to confess to them so don't be so pressure about it" he said and kisses me on my forehead

"I'm so tired of secret dates,secret cuddles and kisses" i said and pouted a bit while my arms are crossed over my chest

"don't be mad,love" he said and hugged me tightly

"if you agree to tell our parents i won't be mad at you anymore," i said and smiled at him a bit

"is there anything else beside that?" he ask me while giving me an pout i cringed a bit and push him away from me

"no,there's none" i said to him "i'll just treat you ice cream hmm? is that fine?" he asked while looking me at me in the eye

aigoo! this guy really know my weaknesses! ugh!

"fine!" i said and crossed my arms to my chest while glaring at me

"yes! thank you baby" he said and planted kisses on my cheecks, i scoffed at him and pushed him away

"you're not mad right?" he ask and hugged me from my waist

"if you treat me ice cream then i'll let it slide" I said and smirked at him

"i will baby" he said and planted kisses again on my cheecks.


After being lovey dovey with taehyung i got a call from my father and he said that i should come to his office to talk some important things,

bussiness things, i think?

"Why did you call me, dad?" i ask him as soon as i got inside his office, 

"will you sit down first before asking that question?" he coldly said to me

i rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me before sitting at the other chair beside him

"so what is it?" i ask him, i'm really not interested in bussiness you know? i hate it so much.

"since our business is in a little trouble right now i suggest you should help us..." he said while sipping on his drink "how will i help you father?" i ask coldly to him, why would he need me in his business? it's not like i know something in business

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