Bad boy

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     John P.O.V.

Hi, I'm John laurens. I go to a shitty school with people who don't really care about anyone. I live in a small trailer in a trailer park with my dad and my little little sister Mary . My dad tries to provide for us the best he can but it barley seems to be enough.

My dad and I skips some meals just so Mary can eat on a healthy diet. It's been extra hard on us since my mom died though. My dad has been drinking more and more and I've been having to take care of Mary .

My dads ether at work or a bar and barley sees us. At school we have groups of people. The geeks, theatre kids, band kids, jocks, nerds, smarties, emos, tiktokers, wanna be you tubers, and the popular kids. What group am I In you may ask? Well...... none of them.

I'm just the quote on quote bad kid. I get into a lot of fights, barley pay attention in class, and barley talk to anyone. But what they don't see is that I have fucking big dreams! I want to go to Columbia university. I have really good grade but no one knows.....

Alex P.O.V.

Heyyyy there!! I'm Alexander Hamilton. I go to an awesome school!! I live with my amazing family. Well not my bio family but I still love them. We don't have to talk about them. My dad is gorge Washington my mom is martha, and my amazing brother is Marie‑Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Marquis Motier de La Fayette, But we just call him Lafayette. Well dad calls him Gilbert when he's mad at him but other then that Lafayette. Or laf to his friends.

Anyways I run with the popular kids. I mean I'm kinda the leader of that group or whatever. They all follow me around like lost puppy's. But my friends are awesome. I'm Bi and there's been SOOOOOOO many girls who tried to ask me out. I've turn all of them down. Including on of my best friends, Eliza Schuyler.

Right now I'm standing next to my locker with my people standing around me. There taking while I'm getting my books out for history. "Did you hear??" Angelica said "hear what??" Eliza asked, "about the fight." Angelica said. I close my locker and see aaron burr walk up to us with an ice pack to his eye.

"Yes I did" Aaron said removing the ice pack and revealing a black eye. Laf gasp "what happened to you??" He asked "I tried to stop Thomas from getting beat up and all I got was laurens punching my fucking face!" He puts the ice pack back on his face.

Then 'he' walks by..... his dark leather jacket, his black jeans, his white sexy shirt that complements his body while showing off his abs, his beautiful long curly hair, his freckles they look like a starry sky that I can get lost in for hours, his beautiful light brown eyes. He is soo amazing....

I get lost from my train of thought when peggys hand started waving in my face. "Yes peggy?" I said "you okay you look pretty zoned out" she says "yeah I'm good I wasn't zoned out I was listening" I say "okay so what were we talking about??" Angelica asked "umm well.... wait when did Thomas and James get here??" I say stopping them in the group. They all start laughing.

"Come on your dork let's get you to class" Laf say putting his arm around me.

John P.O.V.

Jefferson looks like shit. Well I mean he deserves it. Madison his little boy toy got us to stop fighting. I was sitting in my next class when the teacher got a called them said I was called to the office. I walked down the hall. I mean it's an average day for John laurens. I walked into Mr.Washinton's office.

See mr.washington is the principal and the history teacher. He's been like my school dad. He's been there for me since freshmen year. He also gets really frustrated when he sees me in his office everyday. Sometimes I avoid them by just asking to go there and then ranting to him for an hour or two.

"John did you get into another fight?" He asked seeing me. I nod slowly. He points to the chair in front of him where I normally sit. I take off my jacket throwing it into another chair and sit down. "What happened?" He asked staying clam because he know I respond really poorly to yelling.

"Stupid Thomas jeffershit" I said "language please" he says "sorry" I say "what'd he do" he asked "so we were in the hallway and he was next to me talking to James where I could obviously hear him and started talking badly about my mom." A tear came to my face "Then when I confronted him about it. He said she left because of me the said 'Oh wait she didn't leave she died because of you" I said with tears coming down my face.

Mr.washington gets up and walks over next to me. He hugs me tightly "it's okay John. I bet right now she's watching you from heaven with a smile on her face she would be proud of who you became, well except for the fights of corse" he made me chuckle slightly "One day a long long time from now you'll go see her and give her the biggest hug" he says making me smile.

He let's go of me "listen John your gonna become a great man one day and be the Marie biologist that I know you want to become, you are one of the smartest kids in the school don't let's those kids push you down you should stand strong okay" he says I nod "now go back to class and don't let me hear about anymore fights!" I say I chuckle and nod "see you next period." I say "see you next period he repeats.

1009 words


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