Perfect Princess.

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                    Dasiy: Walking to school was like everyday saw every body they waved I waved back and ya its been like this for 3 years know if you dont know who I am I am Dasiy I am originally from a better show called The Music freaks as a side character know You follow me in this sad excuse of a story. If you dont my character traits were Fun,sweet,Kind,and loving. So know I am the main character hope you enjoy.

Dasiy: Well lets break this down normal everyday I say hi to or good moring to Jake her ethier does some weird blushing and stutters and its really weird oh I know he like me I am part of Student council I have a notebook on me all the time I am not dumb I have a bairn but what I dont get is this isnt normal for a crush when your skin turns pink there is something wrong with you then.  

Me: well in the real show for Student Council she is petty dumb...

Dasiy : I am the focus  of  the story not you so shut up will you.

Me: Okay but see me make weird cameos!

Dasiy: umm.. ehh .. live with it tryed kill the writer didnt work ya sad. So being me you are almost always and in 5..4..3..2..1.

Dasiy  is this good for next meeting? Dasiy: Just great! Dasiy: Is it true that your that cause of you The music club is Loved Dasiy: I mean I guess..  Dasiy who is the best in The music club cause you know like everything about them. Dasiy: there all great! Dasiy Is it true that student council can send someone to the a week of no lunch and only in the classroom? Dasiy: no!! not at all good gosh what was in that kids mind!?! 

Dasiy: Right know everything  is fine after everything was not like a wild fire its still hopeless that anything get better why well I am seen as prefect in this kinda hell like school ehh should wrute a story out of that or not cause everyone will NOPE! not in a rated G  fanfic! and the bell know I go toa a class?? ya its more of some teacher trying to I think scare the hell out of her  chemistry class and lets just hope I get out of this alive. Well I do but you know what I mean!

Me: commercial break brought to you by chewing gum make you blow that big old bubble! but for sponge bob style what feel like million years later...

Dasiy: and for some reason you couldnt show that?

Me: It wss to make a horrible joke!

Dasiy: Pice a crap.

Me: True!!

Dasiy: well okay this is just filliar so lets to skip to lunch

Me aka horrible writer: at lunch...

Dasiy: Know time for my favorite time of school The music club I love it the way there so passionate they have great sounds I LOVE IT!! ... oh sorry everyone heh... 

Hailey: Okay today we are gonna-

Dasiy: Hello Can I please come in?

Jake: Of c-c-crouse!

Sean: anytime!

Dasiy: Well last time I herad you perfoom you all were like angels!

Jake: T-Thanks Jakes Mind thinging: Oh gosh she amazing!

Me: Pure simp...

Dasiy: Well I havent meet any of you guys exept a few people so....

Hailey: Well okay You already know Jake so This is Zander he is the pianist he is the stick in the mud.

Zander: ehh.. true.

Dasiy: Oh so you guys are the step siblings at least you act that why a little.

Hailey: Ya we forget when he didnt know that.

Zander and Hailey: uggh...creepy.

Me: yes I made a creepy Zailey joke your welcome!

Hailey: This is Milly she is the Guitarist of the group and the fun one but she will kick your ass so yeah. Dont be like Jake were you say you noted it but then still get your ass kicked.

Dasiy: Okay!

Hailey: and this sea-

Dasiy: Oh I already know him!

Hailey: Umm okay?? so thats all of us and the bell ringed great yay...

Dasiy: Well bye everyone!

Dasiy: Hey Sean!

Sean Oh hey Dasiy.

Dasiy: I brought Mr.Broom cousin!

Sean; how did you pull that out of thin air?

Dasiy: Gatcha and fanfic logic.

Sean: umm.. cool well anything knew with Student conuil?

Dasiy: No well the band competition is so soon I cant!! 

Sean: Well I am happy to see people happy about.


Me: Oh come on we need more sasiy please blush more!!! and make cute sences!!!

Sean: who are you?

Dasiy: Writer who is insane!

Sean: umm okay hard to forget.

Dasiy: I know so know what well I dont know 

To be countuied!!

Me: Thank you for rading this pice of crap this is just cause i think dasiy i to bland if you like her great! I just cant so ya thank you fr reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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