
272 13 7

Possible trigger warning: Slit throat.



The boy known as the Ultimate Detective turned his head around. He felt his cheeks heat up at the sight of the white haired robot, walking towards him with a smile on his face. That smile could light up a dark room and give you cavities with how sweet it was.

It was painful to believe that would be the last time the dark haired detective saw that bright smile of his.

"Ah, hello Kiibo. How are you?" the black clad boy responded. Kiibo smiled up at the taller boy, his bright eyes sparkling as they usually did. 

"I'm good, thank you! I was hoping if you had some free time, we could hang out for a bit." The robot felt his face warm slightly as he gazed into Shuichi's dull gold eyes. He had noted how long his eyelashes were. He liked them - he thought they suited Shuichi very well. Of course, he could never say that out loud. 

"Oh, of course. I was just about to head to the library, would you like to join me?" Shuichi smiled lightly. He enjoyed every minute he spent with Kiibo. The shorter robot boy was always so full of energy, so full of life. Even in a place like this... 

Kiibo simply nodded in response. His pale face was dusted with a light pink blush, which Shuichi found very cute. The two boys then headed to the library, making small talk on the way.


Kiibo shot a glance around the dining hall. Even though he didn't have the ability to consume food, he still gathered in the dining hall with the others. The white haired boy felt worry rise in his chest. Shuichi was usually here by now.. Kiibo hoped and prayed he was okay.

Unfortunately, those prays were made in vein.

"Hey Kaede," Kiibo spoke to the blonde haired pianist. "Have you seen Shuichi today?" The robot should've guessed her answer before he even asked. She had the same worried expression as Kiibo's plastered on her pale face.

He almost noticed the guilt shining in those big, lavender eyes of hers.

"No, I haven't. I'm starting to get worried..." Kaede looked at her shoes, wanting to escape the gaze of the worry-ridden robot. Kiibo felt his face fall even more than it had already had. Now he was starting to get really worried.. 

The killing game hadn't started yet, had it..?

"Maybe we should look for him." Kaito, the Ultimate Astronaut, spoke up. He had been listening in on the robot and the pianist's conversation. The purple clad boy wouldn't admit it, but he was also pretty worried. He didn't want this killing game to start with his sidekick, of all people. 

"Yeah, where is that emo? He should've been fuckin' here by now!" Miu butted in. Her vulgar language was a bit out of place in their current situation, but that's just how she rolls. "He better not have gone and got his sorry ass killed!" 

"Miu, please." Kiibo shot the inventor a melancholy look. He was clearly scared, his usually sparkling eyes now dull with worry. 

"D-Don't look at me like that.."  the strawberry blonde girl cowered away from the shorter robot's gaze. "Alright.. Let's go look for him or whatever. I'm sure he's fine, though..." Kiibo hoped with every bit of his body that what Miu said was true.

But he would soon find out that she was wrong.

The four Ultimate students then started their short lived search for the blue haired detective. The group split up to cover more ground. Kiibo decided to head to the last place he had seen Shuichi - the library. With shaky hands, he pushed open the heavy double doors.

As soon as the doors had opened fully, he felt his artificial heart drop.

In the middle of the library lay Shuichi's lifeless body.

His pale skin had been slit at the throat, a thick trail of blood trailing onto the ground and staining the carpet a vibrant crimson. His once beautiful eyes were dull and glazed over, as if they never possessed the brightness they once had. 

Kiibo couldn't help but let out a strangled cry as he stared at Shuichi's unmoving corpse. This couldn't be happening... He couldn't be dead. He wanted to look away. He wanted to erase the memory of ever finding his body. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull his eyes away from his friend's corpse. 

"We heard a yell! Did something-" Kaito was cut off by Miu's shrill scream. The other three had arrived in the library. As soon as they had arrived, the monitors that resided in every room of the academy flickered on.

"A body has been discovered! Please gather in the library!"

Monokuma's obnoxious voice screeched through the speakers. It was a cruel reminder that Shuichi really was.. Gone. Forever. 

Kiibo shakily approached the detective's cold body. His vision became clouded with artificial tears that spilled out of his eyes and rolled down his pale cheeks. The robot felt his trembling legs give out beneath him as he collapsed to his knees. His whole body quivered, shock and sadness coursing through his being. 


That name he used to think so fondly of, the name that once brought him joy to think about. That name was now riddled with sadness and pain. And yet, it was the only thing Kiibo could manage to choke out. He shakily repeated his name, over and over. He repeated it as if it would be able to bring him back. The white haired boy clasped Shuichi's cold, clammy hand, hoping for even a sliver of warmth. But he was completely gone. Kiibo's metallic heart was filled with pain. He softly squeezed the lifeless hand, trying to imagine he was still alive. Oh how he wished he was alive. Even though he knew it was impossible..

Kiibo let go of the hand. He clamped his blue eyes closed, in an attempt to stop the tears from spilling out - and to avoid looking at the lifeless boy. With quivering lips, he uttered four words. The only four words he could manage to choke out in his current state.

"I'll never forget you."

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𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐢𝐛𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz