Partners in crime -set it off <part one>

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- Cody POV

I wasn't always in it for the thrill, I used to obey the law, I was a follower, living my day to day normal life, it was boring. If you told my past self where I was now, he wouldn't believe you. It all started when I met this girl on a subway 5 months ago.

"Those shoes are lame" snarked the short, pretty girl standing in front of me.

She looked about 17, the tips her hair colored bright red, tattoos riddled her arms, chest, and neck. Her top was fairly tight, it was a small tight cropped top, just a bit bigger then a bra would've been. To go with her tight top, she had on baggy sweat pants, and short wedged camo boots, she wore a lot of jewelry and had a lot of piercings.

"Excuse me?" I mumbled back, looking a little offended.

"Come on! Don't be so uptight, I was just kidding." She rolled her eyes while smiling.

"Careful who you talk to like that." My eyebrows furrowed, if I was dangerous she seriously could've gotten hurt insulting me.

"I can defend myself!" She smiled and giggled before getting into a poor boxing position.

By now I already had a grin spread across my face, she was cute.

I just rolled my eyes while grinning in response.

"Come on, tough guy, fight me!" She bounced a little in her fighting position.

"You can't possibly be serious" I said getting a little nervous, looking around to see if people were staring. "You're going to cause a scene!" I whispered at her.

She frowned, "you're boring." She then turned around and walked away, sitting in one of the free seats on the subway train we were in.

She flopped into the seat and sank down, folding her arms across her chest, looking upset.

I glared at her, grabbing onto the pole above me so I don't fall over. I didn't mean to make her leave, I was having fun joking with her, it sorta upset me that I might not see her again, yeah she was a stranger, but she was a fun stranger.

Eventually the subway bus stopped and people gathered around the door, squeezing through each other to get out. I was in the very back, looking around to see if the subway girl from earlier was already out, or still trying to squeeze through.

"Are you looking for someone?" I heard a sweet voice say from behind me, I quickly turn around.

"Wha-oh, it's you." I saw the girl, she had an amused smirk on her face.

"No, I was just looking for the easiest way to squeeze through all these people to get out." I nodded in affirmation at my well spoken excuse.

"Right, right." She giggles and walks towards me, "this way!" She grabbed my arm and started to pull me through the people, I gladly followed, by the time we got through the crowd and off the subway, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Uh.. hello?" It was at this moment I realized, I really should've learned her name.

After looking around a bit I remembered, she probably had somewhere to be, she was probably headed somewhere.

Wait.. I was supposed to be headed somewhere! My date!

After scanning around one last time I sighed and started to trail off, I was headed to another fancy restaurant that I probably couldn't afford, to meet up with another average-women I met on some dating website.


I was on the subway, I was very energetic and excited, I pickpocketed a few people on the subway already, I had made 59$ and 39¢ so far.

I walk up to a very plain looking man, around 17-20 maybe? He wasn't my usual target, but he looked very approachable, unlike the other groups of people on the subway. I needed a reason to talk to him, I scanned him and saw he kept his phone and wallet in his pockets, amateur. I scoffed at him, he looked very confused, I had to make something up.

"Those shoes are lame." I gave him a silly smile, then looked back down to his black, wingtip, plain shoes. They really are lame.

He was quiet, but he mumbled something under his breath. I assumed he said something about how I was rude, because he looked offended.

I told him he should chill-ax a little bit, and he should. He looked tense, like he wasn't happy with whatever was going on in his life.

I felt bad, so I decided to keep up a conversation, maybe distract him a little bit before I snatched anything from him.
I didn't mind his company, as boring as he seemed, I quite liked him. He was handsome too, he didn't have any ring on his finger, this kinda upset me but also made me the slightest bit happy. It upset me, because I hadn't had a ring to take, but made me happy because it meant I did have a man to take.

After I made a scene, trying to distract him by pretend fighting, but he just told me to stop, soon I realized my distracting tactics weren't working.

"You're boring." I huffed and went to sit next to a pretty old lady, wearing a nice pearly necklace.

The guy kept glaring at me, so I didn't have time to take her necklace without him watching me. He was probably on to me.

Eventually the sub-bus came to a stop and everyone started to pile onto each other to get out. This would be the perfect moment to snatch that wallet from the plain-looking boy I met earlier!

My eyes immediately ran over the crowd, I got closer to the crowd, soon being surrounded by a bunch of people, I held onto my bunch of fake-silver necklaces Incase someone had the same idea as I did, to pickpocket on the subway. I trailed through the crowd, the man was nowhere to be seen, I hopped out of the crowd in the sub-bus and gasped for air that didn't drench of old-lady perfume or homeless men.

I spotted the man, he wasn't in the crowd, it seemed like he was looking for somebody but earlier he was alone, so it had to be me he was scanning for.

"Are you looking for someone?" I said smirking at the man, he turned to face me.

He told me he was just looking for the easiest way out of the sub-bus, but I knew that was a total lie.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him through the crowd, I had my ways around obstacles such as this.
I pushed and shoved through the people, I've done this many of time after victims had slipped out before I could get anything from them, and I had to chase after them. By the time we were out I had worked the mans fancy watch off his wrist and shoved it into my sweatpants pockets, I quickly scurried away before the man could notice. It was disappointing we wouldn't see each other again, but at least I had a cool watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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