Episode 1: A New Start

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A-troupe starts their opening dance.

Richelle comes in and starts her solo section.

Richelle's TH:

After we disqualified ourselves from DanceMania things have been tense. Nick still hasn't chosen who's going to Nationals and it's causing tension between the troupes. We're running out of time. A-troupe HAS to go to Nationals. Otherwise I'm nothing.

Amy comes in and starts her solo section.

Amy's TH:

The first half of the season has been filled with so much drama. As long as Nick chooses A-troupe to go to Nationals, I can sit back and have a drama free second half of the season. I've made things up with Piper and Finn and I've got Henry by my side. Hopefully the second half of the season goes better than the first!

Henry comes in and starts his solo section.

Henry's TH:

The first half of the season was...interesting to say the least. Amy and I are together now but it wasn't without some drama. Hopefully we can put it all behind us however. I've still got to talk with Summer though, I need to make sure everything is cool. And when Nick chooses us for Nationals, I am determined to win back my solo position.

Heath comes in and starts his solo section.

Heath's TH:

When I first joined A-troupe as an alternate for Nationals I never expected we would go to DanceMania. Earlier this season I was so focused on dance that I forgot to make and hold friendships. That's I want to focus on right now, making bonds that last a lifetime. And I think I need to make sure everything's cool with Ozzy, I don't want any drama.

Ozzy comes in and starts his solo section.

Ozzy's TH:

Tensions are running high at home. Izzy and I can't seem to stop arguing about anything and everything. This shouldn't be happening, we promised we wouldn't let this get between us. But instead all it took was a slightly raised voice and then it was WW3. I really want to make it up to Izzy but that isn't going to happen until Nick chooses who's going.

Kingston comes in and starts his solo section.

Kingston's TH:

Lily and I had a talk. We realised our relationship wasn't going to work unless we stopped breaking up over everything. It's not perfect yet but we are working towards it, and learning to have more patience. If Nick let's us go to Nationals I can't wait to dance with Lily on that stage. Ozzy and I have also been drifting apart a bit, something I want to fix. I was so focused on my relationship that I forgot to spend time with my friends. Ozzy's always been there for me and I don't want to just throw that away.

Lily comes in and starts her solo section.

Lily's TH:

Things between Kingston and I are at an all time high. Everything's going perfectly and all I need is for Nick to choose us to go to nationals. A-troupe deserves to go to Nationals, we are the better dancers. Hopefully Nick can see that too.

Kenzie comes in and starts her solo section.

Kenzie's TH:

The first half of the season has been rough for me. No one sees me as an important dancer and I have to change that. I'm determined to work harder and improve so I can finally be seen as anything but a background dancer. If Nick let's us go to National's I need to be the best, I will be the best.

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