Ghost of Music

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"Remember, love never dies..."

She could hear those words echoing in different parts of the black space she was in, afraid to make a step forward and afraid of staying still. Where was she? The only memory she had was seeing a big white light reaching for her and then waking up in the darkness of nothing and everything. She was embracing herself, both arms wrapped up her chest, very aware of her nakedness. The darkness that surrounded her felt somehow familiar, she felt safe in the moment she let the darkness circle her and welcoming her as an old friend.
"Have we met before?" She asked to the nothing and everything. The darkness, gently dressed her in a white smoke with a simple white long dress, barefoot and hair loose, when was the last time she had her curls all down and free?
The white smoke disappeared, she smiled at her outfit, simple yet beautiful.

"Remember, love never dies..."

She heard it again, a voice so familiar she could even swear it was her own voice, but how did her voice even sounded like? She knew she was a woman for a fact, so present in her body it was hard to ignore.
"Christine..." A male voice said making her tremble at the sound. "My Christine..." The man said again, between sobs and a sadness so present in his string of voice it was hard to not let her chest feel the grief in the man's voice even when the voice came out of nowhere, a voice she could hardly recognize.

"Remember, love never dies..."

"I can't hear that anymore! What does it even mean?" Christine yelled extending her arms to her sides, the everything and nothing in complete silence, she left a sigh let go. She sat down, feeling no floor at all but finding herself wrapping her legs to her chest, somehow understanding somehow very lost. Her eyes all watered as tears roll down, the white smoke appeared slowly and caressed her face like wiping the tears away. Christine passed her fingers through her cheek, she saw the tears in her fingertips as her hand started to shake, she was crying, she was actually crying but couldn't feel her tears anymore, the heat of hot water was completely gone, she couldn't even feel her chest heavy or her need for some fresh air that she somehow knew always happened when she cried. No more hot tears rolling down her cheeks, not even the headache and pain in her eyes, she couldn't feel her body anymore.
"What then?!" She asked desperately to all directions.
The everything and nothing watching her from the distance, feeling the heat of her soul, the consequence of having such a passionate heart in life. She was dead for a fact, no power was strong enough to change it, but they could give her a brief gift, something that could make her feel peace and maybe joy by watching who she used to be. The everything and nothing were not always kind, but they understood love, every single type of it, mostly the one Christine lived: she bore the seed of the man she loved, she had an un breakable bond with that seed that went beyond death itself, and a love that music already entwined. They understand, the everything and nothing, beyond mortals yet with knowledge of humanity.
The white smoke appeared at Christine's feet, surrounding her entirely like a tight embrace, she closed her eyes and after a few seconds she felt solid ground beneath her. The singing of some birds made her curious, she opened her eyes very slowly, letting her eyes absorb the light of the sun above in the blue sky.
"Remember, love never dies..." She heard again but this time fading out in the distance.
Christine found herself under a big tree where the birds were singing and interacting with each other, a beautiful green and open field in front of her, she turned and saw a big house in front, it looked elegant from the outside. A road of river rocks well placed in the floor guided to the steps that led to the big wooden door of the entrance, in the right corner of the house there was 2 big wooden doors where horse steps could be seen in the mud, definitely the entrance to the stables where the horses lived. In the left corner of the house there was a metallic grating black door just in the middle of the corner of the house and a green wall that went all the way inside the property.
"Where...? Where am I?" Christine asked out loud more to herself than to anyone. Yet her curiosity was still a part of her essence, she got closer to the grating door and tried to open it noticing she could pass through the solid door without a problem, her expression saddened, she was aware of her state even when she didn't even remembered how, who, or what happened to her.
Christine walked down the green hall to a bigger inner garden behind the house, her eyes widened at the breathtaking sight of such a gorgeous garden. She walked through tall trees, green walls, a maze made of different flowers and tress, a fountain in the middle and an unbelievable collection of exquisite statues resting in the grass, some of then with bindweed around them like protecting them with so much delicacy and care.
Easily, Christine forgot herself and ran through all the garden, took her time for admiring every statue, caress every flower even when she couldn't feel it, watched the tall trees still growing higher to the sky and felt a sudden warmth in her chest, was it even possible?
"Remember, love never dies..." the voice said again in the deepest part of her.
"Sasha! Come back!" Christine heard while a little brown dog with long tail ran towards her near the fountain. She saw the dog intrigued as the dog looked straight into her eyes, her eyebrows raised.
"Can you see me, little one?" She asked gently to the dog who was sitting in front of her while shaking her tail. Sasha, the prettiest dog, could really see her.
"Sasha! You know dad doesn't like you wandering for too long in the garden past the statues." A boy, a little boy with dark brown hair said to the dog, the boy happily scratching Sasha's belly. Christine frowned, very aware of her body as her womb suddenly hurt, she could still feel. What she didn't realize yet is that she could only feel her stronger connections and the places where they were mostly felt. She knew who the little boy was without a doubt.
"Gu... Gustave?!" She asked reaching her hand to her son's face, unsuccessfully accomplishing touching him. She wanted to feel his heat, to embrace him, it was his son, her whole body trembled when she saw him safe and sound, beyond that, seeing him happy. "My... my son." She said taking her hands straight to her belly, feeling the pain coming from her womb.
The connection between a mother and her son, un breakable bond of love and something beyond that, so unexplainable yet so understandable was there, she could feel it. She took one hand to her cheek and felt her face all watered, has she been crying all along?
"C'mon Sasha, time to get back." Gustave said carrying Sasha with big efforts, Christine following him instinctively.
She entered the house, definitely the elegant simple front made no justice to the beauty underneath that roof. A wide staircase that started near the front door, a living room with dark couches at her left and big windows, and in the walls different posters of different plays, classical operas, even german operas could be seen. Christine walked slowly to appreciate such posters in the wall, 'Hannibal' sounded familiar just like 'Il Muto' in the wall.

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