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       Her body shuddered as the rain kisses her naked ivory skin, her bare feet touch the cold sold ground of the forest. Her emerald  eyes searching the darkness. A snap of a twig behind her makes her turn quickly making her raven black hair swirl around her madly, just missing an arrow shooting past her, hitting the oak tree behind her.  A man with a sword comes out running at her swinging his left arm in a downward angle at her as she flips backwards using her catlike instincts as she turns to face the man with the sword. She hissed at him and closes her eyes and lets her inner tiger come forward morphing her body into a white tiger. 

       The white tiger growls at the man with a sword and the man laughed and said:" you should of stay have human,  female, you had my sympathy with your amazing body, but in this form, your only a beast and I have no sympathy for a beast." With that, a net came shooting out of the darkness engulfing her, as soon as it touched her skin electricity ran through the net forcing her to the ground and making her body convulse violently. With that, her eye's shut and everything went black.
    Rose started to come to her head pounding, she cried out and held on her head with her hands. She stood up slowly looking around seeing that she was in a cage. The man with the sword was there but he no longer had his sword, he walks up to the cage and she glares at him. " Your right where you belong beast." He laughed at her as she bangs her fist on the bars. "A princess doesn't belong behind bars, but showed off like a trophy," She said back at him. " Well then,  young lady, you should have thought have about that before you changed," and with that, the man walks away chuckling. Rose threw herself on the ground, crying alone in the dark. It felt like ages had past,  she fell asleep trying to escape the reality that she'd never see her family or kingdom again.

             This kind of stuff happens all the time, females are the most at risk of vanishing. But females able to shift is a greater risk because men want to breed us and sell the baby to the highest bidder. They in time breed that child when of age and sell that child. It's a continuous cycle of breeding and selling. She drifts off to sleep again,  this time when she wakes up she tied to a bed with her leg spread open and up in the air. Cursing she struggles with her bonds with no luck they had use steel buckles. She smelled him, before she saw him, a sweet scent of an alpha tiger that made her inner tiger very excited. His scent got closer till she could see him being dragged unconscious into the room by the same man who had imprisoned her and a few other guys. He was pale with white hair like all alpha tiger- shifter males had, he looked like he was about six feet. 

          Rose gasped seeing him she wondered how they even got close to him to even capture him. He was completely nude, and she could see a nice six-pack where he laid. "He should have fun breaking her when he comes too, let's just go before he wakes up." Said one the guys to the others as they left closing and locking a metal door. Rose's tiger started pacing inside her and was getting excite. "MINE" It said and Rose felt her stomach drop, this was her mate and she was devastated cause she wanted to hate him. He starts stirring twitching tell suddenly he eyes snap open and he in a crouch like stance. Rose could tell his eyes are silver as the look around then snapping to her tied to the table. he sniffs the air and suddenly the energy changes, "MINE," he said. He takes a step towards me with a tortured look in his eyes, we both knew that we had no choice and that we were both now tied together till one of us died.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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