Chapter 1: Description

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Encre Is the new royal painter, that recently came from france. He had been hired to do the job that the previous painter did, and it was paid well, so he accepted.
Encre is often very positive towards everyone, but he feels like he is forced to pull these expressions and emotions. Since he was born, he always had a hard time expressing emotions, he knew what emotions are, just not what they meant.
He is often very careful about what he says, since he doesn't want to be looked badly upon. So he always tries to say and do the right things, even if it goes against his opinion. Small opinions broken isn't bad for him, but big ones is something diffrent.


Fallacy is the vampire king, and almost everyone knows that. Mostly every vampire admires him, there are some that are against him though.
Fallacy tries to look mighty infront of others, since he needs to protect everyone. He really doesn't need to overdo it with showing, because he really is strong. He has been down for a long time since one of his maids has passed away for a.....reason. The city and villages are at constant danger to the vampires, since they are so close to the forbidden forest.
Fallacy has never been captured or fought against often, and if that happened, the enemy got killed after a few seconds. Fallacy gets a bit nervous when problematic situations appear though.


Jasper is the son of Fallacy. He doesn't really go outside much, because fallacy doesn't want him to. Jasper is an easy target for the hunters because he is still a child. He only goes outside with fallacy then.
Jasper still acts like a kid, even if his age would say that he is an adult, in mortal age at least. He can be very negative at some point, but is often happy. He can be very rude and childish sometimes, but mature at other times.


Suave is the butler of Fallacy. He is a mortal, like the otehr servants of the castle. He often just helps fallacy a bit and protects Jasper when he can.
He is a very nice person and is the one to say 'sorry' too much. He can get very dark though


Eterna is the leader of the royal guards and the vampire hunters. Her main job is to protect the city and hunt for vampires. She has only fought Fallacy two times and lost both times. She gets very frustrated at times, but would be very strong if she puts her heart into it.
Eterna can get very rude and comanding. The vampires she captures would likely not escape anymore and either get killed right away, or get thrown into the dungeon and later executed in the sunlight.


Dr. Lofy is the scientist and the doctor in the central city. She does experiements on vampires and sometimes mortals. There were many rumours that she had got some vampires back to life from their dust, and these vampires would now be roaming deep in the forest.
She is kinda shy but nice, she can get easily scared if something happens, so the guards often assist her.


Crey is back and is maybe doing another VV book, maybe, just maybe. I am bad at books

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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