The First Time

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==> be the confused boy
Your name is Jake English and you just got invited to one of the biggest parties at you school. You don't know why but you guess it's okay and you will go.
==> a few days later, the night of the party
Your name is still Jake. You walk up to the front door and hear the banging of the boom box from out here. You knock on the door and a few seconds later a tall blonde girl opens it.
"Ugh why do they keep inviting losers? This party gets lamer every year."
You feel offended but you don't say anything and you walk in when she moves out of the way. You stop in the entrance and stare at all the people and lights in the huge room. Somehow you get pulled into the dancing bodies and you're frantically twirling about trying to find a way out. All of the sudden you run into another tall blonde. You look up to see pointy anime shades.
"H-hi. S-sorry for running into you," you say.
"Hey it's no problem," he smiles, "I'm guessing you're new to the party?"
Someone calls a name loudly, sounds something like Dirk. The blonde turns around and starts walking away.
"Hey sorry bro but I gotta go," he says.
You just stand staring as his back gets smaller and finally not visible because of the crowd. 'Dirk' you thinks. That's an awful cute name. You mentally punch yourself. You're straight, at least until you met Dirk...

Hey guys so this is the first chapter. Sorry I know it's short but I just wanted to get something there to see if anyone likes it! Also if you would like more leave a comment or something. Also can someone tell me how to bold or italic words? Like for this thing. But if you did read them thanks!

Life of the Party (Dirk/Jake )Where stories live. Discover now