Starting Characters

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These are basic character ideas so you know who is who at the beginning of this story, the end of the official storyline. The descriptions may vary from the exact characters as I can not remember every exact detail.

Zataya(she/her)- Main character in this story. Ifirit Paladin of Sarenrae, 5'8, slightly tanned caucasian skin, amber eyes, red hair, has dark red and black horns that curl around the side of her head like a rams, charcoal colored patches of scales the sides of her neck, shoulders, and forearms.

Urrrah(he/him)- Ifirit Fire-bloodline Sorcerer, Zataya's younger brother, 6'4, fire red hair, blue eyes, redish brown skin, black horns that are straight and only about three inches long

Pat-hill(she/her)- Black-furred Catfolk Rogue orphaned twice, by her true parents then a band of orcs {that once had a split personality disorder whenever they roll a 13 they would switch because the player also wanted to play a cavalier to have a giant wolf companion}

Dathré(he/him)- Oriad Unarmed Monk, skin color of a red terracotta pot {found in our DM's living room} and hair similar to texture of dead grass, a cow farmer who had his cows stolen by a god many years ago and is now stuck in an office job to support himself.

Winter(she/her)- NPC Changeling Cleric that but Urrrah and Pat-hill were, at some point in the campaign, filtering with. {we had her come along with us because Zataya's healing wasn't enough for a party of 4 at level 3}

Sirius(he/him)- Aasimairian Inquistor

Altair(he/him)- Elven Arcanist
{Both Sirius and Altair were played by the same player, halfway through the campaign the player went off to college so we improvised when he came home for the summer}

Count Lowl(he/him)- the big bad, an angry count they all hate for various different reasons, and the collective reason of he sacrificed four of them (Sirius, Zataya, Urrrah, and Pat-hill)

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