Cecile's confession.

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I have to. I must! I can't believe I've followed such a tyrant. John. You're just as bad as everyone else! You say you want to protect Seraphina, but you've only put her in more danger. I'm so so sorry Arlo. I don't know what came over me. I have to make this right!

//Cecile walks slowly down the steps and approaches Arlo.//

Arlo. Can I please talk to you? There's something I really need to tell—

I love you.

W- what? Arlo?

I love you.  Didn't have the guts to tell you, and it really hurt when you sided with John. So, I figured, if I tell you how I feel, I'd feel a little less hurt.

Arlo— I- I love you too. I'm sorry for siding with John, I just wanted my title back.

I understand. Just, please listen to what I tell you? Okay? It's for the schools own good.

Got it.

-Arlo brings Cecile into a tight embrace.-

The end.

I can't finish this— help-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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