[Prologue] Thoughts of You

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It was around this time when you started to disappear from me --from this world. Your soft eyes were too pure and that's why the world destroyed you.

After all these years, I still can't forget you. How could I? You meant everything to me. If someone were to ask me why I was alive back then, my only reason would have been you.

But then, why couldn't you live for me? I put my everything into keeping you happy. I always made sure you were okay. Even when I lost everything else, I still put you first. So why couldn't you do the same? I put you before myself. I tore myself apart just to keep you together.

Maybe that's why you left. I loved you so much, but you couldn't see that. Did you ever even see me? Through your fucked-up vision of perfect, was I there? No. I never was, was I?

I hate you. You made me love you so much that it became my every thought. You fucked me up. Yet, you kept insisting that my actions were my own. They were, except they weren't.

I loved you. You were perfect. You made it clear that I was the one you cared about most. You helped me when I was at my lowest point. I needed you. But you never needed me.

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