Hello Everyone

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Hi! Long time no see! I know it's been a long time since I typed anything for my story's and I'll gladly explain, uglydolls isn't something but really am into anymore I kind of hate it in away. I'm super happy you all enjoyed my stories and still do but it gave me alot of children followers and I really didn't want that kind of following I wanted a more grown up following so it kind of backfired.

Sadly tho I will not be continuing my stories. They will be left where they are for now but that dosent mean I will stop writting, I've gotten into my hero academia as of now and have had some ship story ideas as well as some x Reader ideas too!!

I can't thank you guys enough for liking my stuff but I plan to keep writing in the future and move onto new things. If you guys have any idea for stories please let me know id love to hear them :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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