Two Men Staring at each other

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These were two men in a room, staring at each other. No words said but they seem to tear each other apart just by simply staring. Fixed eyes, trying to penetrate with a constant force the walled character of the other. They showed enough vigour as to be standing up the rest of the afternoon, just to qualify the entity in front of them which caused a sick feeling, only describable as consequent nausea from visceral plethora.

A thing to see was the sweat of both motionless men in the middle of winter. They resembled a quiet machine that do not do justice to its internal revolutions. A mental fuss. Then, they started to demean each other, the first one saying:

- There is no more despicable being on the face of the Earth. Not only you dare to be that unbearable but also you expect other people to behave under the same standards. Deliberately unnecessary standards that only hinder the possibility of being.

- You direct critiques to me that only apply to yourself. You're completely intolerable. You live your life by the sake of it. You wander around with no show of a destiny or purpose. All your essence is an insult to my own self, as for all that is good and correct. –Replied the other man.

- As much as I attempt to accept the idea, I simply cannot conceive a world in which we both live. Any possibility of harmony is ruled out by your infamous personality. You loath even yourself, so you live with a masquerade –said the first man. You should be dead, since you're only worth to teach young men who cannot decide to commit to a path.

- Are you kidding me? You're the one showing signs of contempt for your own life, you seem to not fit anywhere and not even in your family you can find comfort. Are you just blaming me for sins that are only yours? –He answered.

One hour passed. The tension in the room was insane. The Earth's gravity seemed different at this point and it was as hard to keep standing up as it was to pronounce a single word. Half a glass of water had evaporated and the whole room was shaking. They kept staring at each other. It appeared their ultimate purpose, their reason to be in that moment and space. There was silence.

Both men let pass still another ten minutes. The first man raised his gun, followed by the other man. They had the same expression of courage on their faces. The one shot. The two fell.

Two Men One RoomWhere stories live. Discover now