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(A L I C E & J A S P E R)

Alice had just gotten done with a hunt, when she stumbled upon an Army Base Camp. She had a vague vision that if she would be there at a certain time, something interesting and important would happen.

The smell of the wounded solider's blood overwhelmed her. Carlisle, Edward, Rosalie and Esme were expecting her back by now... just one bite couldn't hurt, right? Just one taste of human blood. Her mouth watered at the thought.

'The wounded are dying anyways!'

Oh, but Carlisle would be so disappointed in her... Alice had just gotten control of herself, and gotten use to the taste of animal blood. But how could she pass up human blood?
Here it was... warm, bubbly and right from the veins of the living yet dying.

A low growl issued from her mouth and she began to rush forward. She needed it. Now.

"I saw them first!" A voice murmured from off in the distance. Alice turned to see the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes upon.

He was tall, with blonde hair that was mid-length to his shoulders. He had eyes, the color of rubies, full of beauty... and hunger. A lust for blood. Human blood.

"No way!" Alice scowled, knowing he was a vampire as well.

Both went in for the kill. The boy leapt over the barricades and flew on top of the watch tower. He was quick, yes, but Alice beat him to it.

"You're different." He observed.

"I'm... thirsty."

"We can share...?"

'Yes...' part of her wanted the thick, metallic liquid that was so different from animal blood, but the more dominant part was against this craving, 'You've lasted this long...'

And then it hit. As his red eyes met her golden it hit.

They were inseparable.

"I...I'm Jasper Whitlock."

Alice ran a hand through her spiky, black hair, "Alice Cullen."

Damn, did she love his accent.

"Shall we?" He smirked, motioning to the med-may cabin.

Her smile faded, "Jasper... I'm from a clan that doesn't eat humans... we live off of animal blood alone..."

Jasper smiled a breathtaking grin, "You're joking." She shook her head, "You're serious."

"You could join." Alice wanted to take him back to Alaska, because she knew she couldn't be without this stranger.

"Maybe I can influence you to um..." he smirked, making her weak in the knees, "make an exception for me."

Immediately Alice felt hungrier. Hungrier for a certain DNA that was merely a mile away, "W..."

"I can influence mood change." Jasper grinned, "But I guess I shouldn't have forced a lady to do anything against her will."

"Well, I can see the future... in a way. The future can always change you know."

The blonde tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, stepping closer and emitting a low chuckle, "And what do you see right now?"

Alice smirked back, "You coming back with me." He nodded in approval, "Without any humans getting harmed."

"Oh, come on... one bite?"

"The humans? No. Me? Maybe." Alice yawned, jumping down from the guard tower and onto the hard ground. Since she was inhuman, it didn't even faze her, while it would have broken her legs had she been human.

She turned, looking over her shoulder, "Coming?" With that, she disappeared in a flash of movement.

Jasper smirked, rushing after her.

*T W O M O N T H S L A T E R*

The whole Cullen family welcomed Jasper in with open arms. They changed his last name to 'Hale' same as Rosalie's.

Alice and Jasper were as perfect as they could be. All smiles and happiness. Everything was perfect... expect for Jasper's appetite.

Jasper craved blood... human blood. It wasn't entirely his fault... He didn't know any better. Maybe that was a stupid excuse, but it's what he craved...what he needed.

It was the second week he had been staying with Alice and her family when he couldn't deny his hunger anymore.

When the Cullen's were hunting Jasper said he smelled some animal and that he'd be right back. A moment later, when Jasper was already miles and miles out of sight, Edward's head snapped up,

"Alice! It's a human! He's after a human!"

She got the message, racing after her mate with tremendous speed. She caught up with him, and tackled him, pinning him to the ground, "Jazz! No."

His eyes were a wild, black color, since he had been deprived of his normal meals for weeks, "Alice you don't understand-"

"Yes, I do, Jazz. I do. But you can't... you've made it this far. You can make it."

Jasper's voice cracked as his eyes saddened, "How?"

"I'll help you, if you let me. You can do this. I know you can. I've seen you, years from now, you're eyes golden and being able to go to High school. Around humans, and you're fine. You don't hurt them."

"You really think I can control it?"


She helped him up, and wrapped her petite form around his strong, and buried her head in his neck, "I love you so much, Jasper."

"I wanted to say that first. I love you too." He rested his forehead against hers, and smiled.

He leaned in, and she met him halfway. The kiss was sweet, long and sensuous, full of love and care.

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