Grab my hand ~ Iwaoi

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'IWAIZUMI!!' Oikawa yelled.

Rapid gunshots rung in the air, his ears filled with the bangs and clinks of guns being fired, the bullets hitting helmets and more often, the people wearing them. Every few seconds a louder detonation sounded, screams or grunts following, and he didn't even want to think about what fell after. The sky was a dim grey, smoke and ash filling it. When looking around, if you had the time, you'd only see full greens and browns. Of course, you'd see weapons and soldiers too.

Oikawa wondered how he got here.

Not even three days ago he was back home. He was in his house, warm colours filling the room. He had everything back home. He was a man in his prime, a young man with a job. He was successful! He was up for a massive promotion too. He had a wife, two kids, expecting a third in eight months.

Well....they were nice. He gusses.

Not really.

He liked his wife and his kids were great! He loved his kids more than anything in the world, he does. His parents set him up with his childhood neighbour. She was sweet, blonde, pretty. She was perfect...for other people. Not Oikawa.

He shouldn't need anything else. He had a nice white painted house, a porch, a nice living room, a cosy dining room, and a big bedroom. He had a big fluffy dog his kids love. He braided his daughters hair before school. He played catch with his son in the garden. He convinced his wife to follow her dream of becoming a teacher. He did everything he could to be the perfect dad and husband but he always felt guilty.

The guy across the road. He insisted on chopping his own firewood. He insisted on taking his shirt off. He insisted on looking perfect. He insisted on being incredibly buff too. Oikawa found it hard not to stare so he stopped pretending not to. His wife would go to her job much earlier than the other teachers so Oikawa had plenty of time to sit on the porch with some tea and watch the man swing an axe. Oikawa felt no guilt about his morning pastimes since his wife's included sleeping with the principle to "fulfil her needs" or something. The thing Oikawa thought was so pathetic about he is that he doesn't care. He's so infatuated with the man he couldn't care less if the baby was the principles and he didn't know.

When he realised that, he knew he had to meet the reason he was like this.

'Hello.' Oikawa grinned, waving at the man.

'Oh, uh...hi?' He responded, placing down the axe.

'I'm Oikawa Tooru.' He stuck out a hand which Iwaizumi shook delicately.

'Sorry, trying to avoid getting sweat on your suit.' He said as Oikawa obviously noticed.

'Oh, don't even worry about it!' Oikawa smiled.

'I'm Iwaizumi Hajime.' The other smiled.

Oikawa didn't know that small encounter would lead to breathless nights, Iwaizumi's name through his lips, forgetting he had a family, forgetting it was a sin, forgetting the feeling of the cold, forgetting everything but him. Iwaizumi.

He also didn't know right now he'd be hiding in trenches of dirt, praying Iwaizumi was just still and not....

'Hajime please, I swear to god.' Oikawa whispered. He dropped his gun, shuffling over.

'Tooru-' He coughed, blood spat out between his teeth.

'No no no no no no, Hajime, please no.' Oikawa touched the top of Iwaizumi's head lightly, his fingers immediately becoming covered in a thick sticky red substance.

'I think they got me Tooru.' Iwaizumi winced, a pained smile on his face.

'You can't- no! Hajime...' Oikawa knee years were spilling out his eyes. 'Medic! We can get you a medic, you'll be fine!'

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