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A/N: updated rules in italic and bold

1. No lemons/smut

2. You can have as many OCs as you'd like as long as you keep track of them all. I've gotten a lot over time, and I can't exactly limit it, can I now? ~( ̄▽ ̄)~

3. You can be very strong, but no OP characters or perfect characters

4. Canon characters may be played by anyone

5. no cyberbullying

6. Hate the character, not the person

7. Try rping in 3rd person

8. Have Fun!

9. You can be a child of the Big 3, sure. But only a select few can be a child of a titan or primordial. 1st come, 1st serve.

10. feel free to think outside the box when it comes to godly parent and mythology. Greek or Roman is preferred, but you may roleplay others as well, just make it reasonable and if you have a foreign godly parent, please explain what kind of god/goddess is your parent. (Heck, one of my OCs is a daughter of a korean river god. And I've had an Egyptian demigod registered before, so it's nothing unusual for me)

11. Wait to be accepted, please.

12. If I'm not responding, that means I'm probably busy or sleeping. Tag me after a week minimum. I'll always see your comments if I'm on. 

13. These days some people want to make their OCs children of Artemis. Goodness... next I'll have a child of Hestia or Hera signed up... There is a limit to Artemis, Hera and Hestia along with Titans and Primordials from now. So be early if you want to be their kids.

14. Please, please, pleeeease read the rules. 2 common rules that are broken are # 11 and # 12. I'm not always online and sometimes I'm only on once or twice a day. And as for not waiting to be accepted- please do wait. I will look at your form and admit it FIRST. So please don't jump in immediately.

15. To show that you read the rules, please comment your favorite character and your favorite ship in the fandom.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not expect me to join roleplay chains all the time. This will now mainly be an open group rp since I am going to be busier soon, as well as lack of motivation to roleplay. I still will join one if I feel like it, but even then I may not stay for long. My main role shall be admin -v-

Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus RpWhere stories live. Discover now