the accident

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In San fransisco very peaceful very lonely billy pedroso
Was just happy he's going on a train for the first time so happy
Billy's POV
Well lets just say my name is billy pedroso and I am going on a train for the first time I was texting my friend
Clauds he told me a joke let me reaveal it hello dad  I did not
Tell mummy about what happened at the funeral you kissed her and had her open her legs wide open for you to  penetreate and also made love to her but don't worry the secret is safe well see you later and also I think mummy is angry maybe is beacuse I told to help me record it,  bye
Wow funny right
No one"s POV
Billy was talking to his mummy when it was raining when the brakes started mis functioning then it raced to a cliff then died

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