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"Miss Eda?"

Seyfi blinked once, twice, to make sure that what he was seeing was correct.

Eda, was lying in the grass, with Sirius above her, trying to lick her face, unsuccessfully. She had leaves on her hair, and her white top somehow got a bit dirty.

"Seyfi, a bit help please!"

Her cry of help, broke him out of his surprise, and he walked quickly over there. He grabbed the dark dog's leash and with lots of grunting and cursing managed to push him back.

He watched, amused, as the girl stood, and started taking the leaves out off her hair.

"He missed you. A lot, obviously."

He didn't mean just the dog.

Something like longing flashed in her eyes.

"I know. I missed him, too. Just Sirius, though. No one else. "

Seyfi's eyebrows reached his hairline, his amusement growing by the minute.

"So, miss Eda what are you doing here?"


"Yes,you. I mean it's always nice to see you, but it must be something urgent for you to come so late?"

Her eyes became very big, and she obviously blushed. Seyfi tried to hold his laughter.

"I forgot something here when I was still you know, Serkan's fiance."


"What? Oh, an... Earring. I forgot an earring."

"And couldn't this wait until tomorrow?"

Ah, how hard it was to tease her and try to hold back his smile. She looked like a baby deer caught in the headlines.

Before Eda had a chance to answer, Aydan's voice boomed through the house over to the backyard where they were standing.

"Seyfiiiiii? Where are you? My son is dying!"

Seyfi watched as Eda's face morphed into an anxious one.


Her voice faltered.

"What is wrong with Serkan?"

Ok Seyfi, the man thought. Time to move on with the plan.

"He has a high fever all day. Miss Aydan tried to take him to hospital, but he refused. You know, I didn't want to show it in front of her, but I worry too. Mister Serkan looks awful."

Her eyes locked into the house, her steps already taking her close to him.

Seyfi watched with fondness, as she entered the house, and took out his phone.

"The eagle reached the nest.", he typed and hit "send".

His phone beeped and he read the reply immediately.

"Seyfi stop with those ridiculous phrases."

The phone beeped again.

"Sevda is not the eagle. If someone is the eagle is my beautiful son. Now take Sirius for a walk, I promised Serkan you would take care of it."

Seyfi put his phone back and looked at the dog, who had turned its back on him.
He sighed.
That dog really didn't like him at all. Still he grabbed his leash.

"Come on, Sirius. Come on..."


He felt cold. So cold.

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