May 20th, 2038

26 3 6

I cannot believe that today is my eighteenth birthday. Time seems to have flown by so quickly. My junior year of high school is almost at an end and then I have one more before I go off to college. Mama gave me this diary as a present. She said she and Uncle Jack kept one as they grew up so they could tell their story one day. She wants me to be able to tell mine one day.

I honestly don’t know what to write about. Leaving behind this diary as my legacy seems...weird, I guess. I honestly cannot imagine what my descendants will think of when they read this. What do I want to leave behind for people to remember me by? Is there anything even worth sharing about who I am?

Well, I guess the easiest place to start is the beginning. I am the third eldest of eight kids. There’s my Papa, Charlie, my Mama, Elizabeth, my older brother, Adam, my older sister, Olive - both of them married - me, Saige and CJ (they are twins), Dawn, Jesse, and Mama is still expecting my little sibling in three months. Papa said he wants it to be a surprise, though we all know he wants another son to make it even.

I love to bake with my Papa in his bakery and I love to sing with my Mama when we play piano and guitar together. But, I decided that I wouldn’t follow my Mama and become a Broadway star like she was when I was a baby. Instead, I wanna follow my Papa’s footsteps and join him in the bakery. I’ve applied to many culinary schools and even had an offer from one in France. I would love to go to France! It’s right in Paris, the most romantic city on Earth. Mama said my Uncle Darcy owns a mansion there, so I would get to live in a real chateau in la ville l’amour et de l’enchantment,

I also wanna talk about my best friend. He’s my uncle’s son. Well, Uncle Darcy isn’t really my uncle, he and Aunt Brienna are just very close with Mama and Papa. His name is Darcy, after his dad, but everyone calls him DJ, except for me. He’ll always be Darcy to me. We’re very close and I love him so much as my best friend.

I guess that’s it for now. Papa said it’s time for bed because we have school tomorrow, I guess this is my first entry until next time.

Peggy Cossette Morris

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