It was suppose to be fluff {Sam + Dean}

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Dean's 14, Sam's 10

- 1993 -

"Dean," His father's voice rang through the phone as he brought it to his ear.


"How's Sam?"

At first Dean didn't reply, instead glancing to the motel's bed where his brother was sprawled across playing with the few toy soldiers they had. "He's good," Dean finally replied. "He likes his new school."

"Good," There was a pause, where neither John nor Dean spoke. The silence lasting for a breath, then another, and then another. It lasted so long Dean began to shift his weight from to foot in anticipation. Had he done something wrong, was there a reason for his dad to be mad at him, Dean didn't think so, though then again John never had problems finding a reason to be mad. "Have there been any problems?"

"No, Sir."

"I know I said I'd be back tomorrow." Yesterday actually. "But i'm going to be another few days, you know what to do?"

"Take care of Sammy."

"And don't get involved with the cops."

Dean nodded despite his father not being able to see. Before he could speak again the other line cut off, replaced by a low ringing that buzzed through hsi until he placed the phone back on its stand

He took a deep breath, though the weight on his heart was unavoidable. How stupid of him, it'd been ten years, adn he still hadn't learned his place. "Sammy," He took another hesitant breath, forcing a smile across his face, as his brother looked up. "What'd you want for dinner?"


They didn't have the money for that, Dean had spent it all buying groceries,school supplies for Sam. Even the food supply Dean had bought had become thin. "How about we eat here tonight, and when dad gets back we can go to mcdonalds?" Dean suggested. "Okay?"

"Okay," The disappointment in Sam's voice was clear though Dean chose to ignore it, there was nothing he could do about it.

"So what do you want?"

"Mac n' cheese?"

"Sounds awesome." Dean walked to the motel's small kitchen, pulling open the top cupboards in search of pasta. When he couldn't find it in the one, he moved to the next and then next, only finding a few slices of bread, half a box of cereal, milk and cheese. They had much less food then Dean had thought.

He glanced back to his brother, lips pressed in a tight line, he'd already said no once, he didn't want to do it again. "Hey Sammy," Dean called, getting his brother's attention. "Do you know how the french make mac n' cheese?"


"With cereal."

"Ew!" Sam cried, scrunching his face in disgust.

"It's not gross, it's fancy as shit," Dean defended. "Too fancy for you."

"No," Sam got up from the bed, joining Dean in the kitchen. He looked down to his brother, Sam looking back up with his wide brown eyes, his brown hair had become shaggy, and uneven, causing a few strands to fall in his face. Dean would have to give him a haircut soon. "It's too fancy for you!"

"I didn't say ew."

"I want to try it!"

"Then go sit your ass down."

When his brother had ran off to the kitchen table, Dean turned back to the kitchen, a small sigh parting his lips. He didn't need to try it to know microwaved cheese, and cereal was going to be disgusting.

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