He Loves Me Not

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"Rei Ryugazaki." The teacher called roll, yawning softly. It was way too early for her to be dealing with all this teen angst. Rei glanced towards the teacher upon his name being called. "Present." He replied in a confident tone, sliding his glasses famously up the bridge of his nose. He rolled his shoulders and pulled out a pencil. He stared at it for a moment, inspecting it before letting out an extremely unimpressed sigh. "It's...not beautiful." He muttered to himself, tossing it aside. There were several scratches on it, which bothered him to the point of simply deeming it ugly. "Did you say something, Ryugazaki? Would you like to share with the class?" The teacher rose an eyebrow towards him. He shook his head. "No, Ma'am." He bowed his head until it was safe to look up again. Usually he loved this class, but today, not so much. He simply wanted to get out of class and see Nagisa; he had something for him.

For those interested, today was February fourteenth. Valentines day, exactly. He was going to do something no man had done before; actually, not true. He was simply going to confess his pathetic love for one of his close friends, Nagisa Hazuki. Rei was making an unnessesary big deal over it, but he'd never felt like this about someone before, let alone another male. This would be a big step for him. He was naturally nervous; would Nagisa laugh? Would he reject him? Would he already have a valentine? As he pondered this much, he hardly noticed that the bell for the end of the period had rung and people were making their ways to the their next classes. He snapped his head up when he heard someone attempting to ask for the seat he was sitting in. He hurridly apologized and grabbed his things, rushing to his locker. Nagisa passed by, and as he did, Rei felt his heart jump a little.

He justly blankly stared out into space as Nagisa stepped up to him and began on about something Rei honestly was too caught in some other moment to care about. He frowned to Rei. "Er...Rei-Chan? Are you okay?" He blinked up at him. Rei pushed himself back into reality and smiled. "Hm? Yes! Of course. I guess I'm just a bit distracted today. You know...big tests." He was pretty proud of his save. He, feeling accomplished, pushed up his glasses once again. "Really? I haven't had any tests today. Surprisingly." Nagisa put on his usual adorable smile, his shoulders lifting up in a slight shrug. "Anyways. Did you ask anyone to be your valentine yet?" He grinned cheekily, nudging Rei. A blush was visible on Ryugazaki's cheeks, and he furiously shook his head. "N-No! I mean..not yet. I'm waiting for the right moment. The most..beautiful moment." He cleared his throat. Nagisa giggled, rocking back and forth on his feet. "I can almost
taste the cheese oozing off of you." He patted his shoulder. "I got asked by one girl already," Nagisa continued. Rei froze up, waiting a few moments before slowly clearing his throat. "Oh? And what did you say?" He muttered curiously.

He loves me...

"I said sure! I mean...she was really cute." Nagisa blushed himself, a bubbly giggling erupting from his grinning lips. "And she gave me a kiss. O-on the lips.." Nagisa squealed quietly, he really seemed to like this girl. Rei's shoulders dropped and he slumped slightly. "..oh. I understand." He sighed. "I..should...Get to class." Rei cleared his throat. He stuffed things in his locker and grabbed what he needed for his next class, staring longingly at the two roses and the chocolates, as well as the stuffed penguin, that he'd gotten for Nagisa.

...He loves me not.

Nagisa shrugged Rei's behavior off, waving and then bouncing down the hall like the bubbly, adorable male he always was. Rei grabbed what he needed, grumbling and slamming his locker. He looked down the hall, only to see Nagisa being all...eugh...with his stupid valentine. She was cute and had blonde hair, like him. He stared longingly, with a sad look. Rei shook himself out of it though, and proceeded to his next class. He didn't even notice his two roses falling to the ground, the tag clearly showing;

'Nagisa, you make my heart flutter like the wings of a beautiful butterfly do on a calm spring day. -Rei Ryugazaki '

Rei moved to class, his spirits pushed into the low pits of his stomach. He spent the rest of the period drowning out his sorrows in some way, rather than actually paying attention. It was unlike him, but he was in a bad state of mind. The rest of the school day went by slowly and depressingly for Rei. As the last bell rung, he dragged himself to his locker, grabbing his things and then slinging his book bag over his shoulders. He caught another glance of Nagisa with that stupid girl. Clearly upset, Rei grabbed the box of chocolates, ready to shut his locker and leave.

Until he realized the flowers were gone.

Rei nervously thumbed through his organized locker and book bag, searching for the two beautiful roses. What if someone else found them? What if they were brought to Nagisa?...Shit. What if Nagisa found them?! Rei felt fear and nervousness surge through him. He pondered on what could have happened frantically, as he searched as much as he could for the flowers.

His day was not going very beautiful. Rei gave up after a while. He didn't bother going to swim practice, for fear Nagisa somehow got the roses. Instead of running or jogging home, he walked at a sluggish pace while he ate the heart-shaped, filled chocolates that were meant for Nagisa. And, To make things even better, it started raining. Rei frowned, looking around. He didn't want to get sick, so he found a small sheltered cave-like area outdoors where he could sulk in, just until the rain subsided. He hugged his knees to his chest, pressing his back against the wall. His phone rang, but he didn't bother to pick it up. He just needed time to think through his bad mood. Soon though, he found himself nodding off.


•A Few Hours Later•

Rei yawned awake, the sound of pouring rain still playing throughout the air. The rain hadn't seemed to let up at all, in fact, it seemed like it just got harder. It was starting to get dark now. Rei pulled out his phone, only to find it dead. It must have been going off too much while he was asleep. His family must've been getting worried too, and he didn't want that. He stood in the sheltered area, finally deciding that he needed to go home, no matter that it was raining. He moved to the entrance, making sure he had everything, before he exited into the rain.

He was going to turn left, until he heard a pair running footsteps coming from the right. Then another. Then, another, and then one last. These footsteps were followed by a familiar voice shouting, "Rei-Chan!"

Rei turned to the sound abruptly, seemingly surprised to see Haruka, Makoto, Rin, and...Nagisa. Who was indeed holding the roses. He froze slightly, but was pulled back into reality when the soaking blonde boy tackle-hugged Rei. "Where were you?! When you didn't come to practice, I got really worried...a-and we searched for you, but we couldn't find you! So we called Rin, thinking that maybe he'd seen you or you were there for some reason. When he said you weren't there either though, he got real worried to and came to join us and, Rei, we've been searching for you forever! I mean.." Upon hearing all of this, Rei hit his lip and sniffed. "Um..." Nagisa's voice faded slightly, and he pulled back from Rei. "...Rei-chan..what's wrong?" He asked quietly, though could barely be heard over the heavy rain. "...I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to worry you all...." He muttered, sniffing some more. He stared at the roses in Nagisa's hands. "..Where did you get those?" He asked slowly. Nagisa grinned slightly, and shook his head. "It's doesn't matter. What matters is...Well, Rei-Chan..." There was a pause from the boy. "Will you be my valentine?"

Rei blinked a few times, before smiling and bringing Nagisa close to him. He lifted his chin. "Yes. I'd love to be your valentine." Rei's lips found and met with Nagisa's in beautiful kiss.

He loves me.

Makoto smiled at the two, simply happy that Rei was okay, that they found him, and that he and Nagisa had their happy ending. He wouldn't tell Rei that he delivered the flowers to Nagisa, and Nagisa promised not to tell either.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Rin smirked, draping his arms around Haruka and Makoto's shoulders.

A/N: Wooh! Finally finished this stupid thing ;w; Took me long enough. Probably won't get many reads though, but that's okay!

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***If you want me to do a one shot or short story with a certain scenario or something, let me know!***

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