chapter oneee

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Ennoshita POV

Why do I love him? Why does he have to be straight? Why am I sad? I knew this was going to happen. I knew I was gonna catch feelings and I knew he was straight. So why do I feel this way for him?

Tanaka POV


Me and Noya are running towards each other in the gym. This was our first day back at school since summer. I skipped morning practice because I overslept (Don't tell Daichi. He'll kill me) We finally got to each other and we gave each other a big hug.

"I missed you bro"

<I missed you too>

I didn't see Noya all summer because I was on a beach trip and he was in America visiting his grandparents.

"Where's Ennoshita?"

<Right here>

I turned around and saw Ennoshita standing in the door. I ran towards him. I gave him a big hug too. He was my other best friends. He pushed me away and his face was slightly pink. I absolutely loved it when he blushed. He was so fucking adorable. I just wanted to lay on my bed and cuddle him and kiss him.

<W-what are you doing?>

"Hugging you, obviously. What do you think I'm doing?"

<I-I don't know> He finally hugged me back. The softness of his skin and his warm breath made me feel all tingly inside. I missed him so much over the summer.

"I missed you over the summer." I whispered in his ear

<I missed you too.> He whispered back. We were hugging for so long that Daichi got angry that we hadn't started practicing yet.


"Ok, ok. Fine."

We finally let go of each other and I was so embarrassed that my face was completely red.

<Tanaka are you ok?>

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good. Thanks for asking though Ennoshita. You're such a good friend."

Saying the word friend made me sad. I didn't want to friends. I wanted to be boyfriends, lovers, partners. Whatever you wanna call it.

"Let's get started. After practice, let's get food and catch up. Is that ok?"

<Yeah. That sounds great!>

After Practice

Ennoshita POV

After practice I changed really slow so me and Tanaka could get food.

<What do you want for dinner? I'm gonna pay>

"Are you sure?"

<Yes. I'm positive.>

"When did you get pregnant?"

<W-what the hell?>

"I'm joking? But seriously, did you knock anyone up this summer yet?"

<What the-no. Why would you even say that?>

"Because you're a whore."

<Hey! Rude! I hate you now>

"Baby I was joking. You know I love you."


"I'm joking about that too, but I guess that could be your nickname. You do act like a baby sometimes..."

𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚?Where stories live. Discover now