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We never really had the best relationship did we? Always fighting. But we didn't fight cause we hated each other. I see that now. We fought so I could become stronger. Sometimes when I lay down and shut my eyes I think of you. I think of all the time we spent together. How I never said I loved you. Not with words anyway. Growing up I always thought you hated me. I thought you hated me for being some inconvenience in your life. I never saw how much you truly loved me. I never savored the nights when I couldn't sleep and you read me stories. I miss you. I miss you one hell of a lot. Karkat keeps asking me why I run off by myself sometimes. I tell him its just to work on my raps but I think he knows better. I'm trying so hard bro.. Are you proud of me yet? I really hope you are. Even after everything that's happened I still miss you. I want you back bro. I want everything that I don't have right now. I hope you're happy. Where ever you are. I hope you know I'm glad. I'm glad you taught me to be strong all those years. I always thought it was bullshit really. But you knew all along, didn't you? You knew that one day you wouldn't be there to protect me. I'm sorry if I was a little shit half the time.... I love you Bro. I really hope you know that. No matter what happens, I love you.... I'm sorry for not protecting you when the time came.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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