Dear Ash,

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Dear Ash,

It's been exactly forty years since your passing, and I haven't forgotten you. Not one day has passed where you haven't crossed my mind.

Remember when you kissed me? When I held you as you cried? I never git to know what those nightmares of yours were about, although I could comprehend it.

You had a rough life Ash.
You were buried along side your mother.

You were supposed to come to Japan with me, and although you couldn't, I came back to New York to visit you.

You had such a long life ahead of you, if only you were able to see it.

I wish it were me, for no physical pain could bare the emotional harm held against me. Do you remember when I was shot? When I got the call from Max about you, it felt like a bullet to the heart. That pain never went away.

Not a day goes by where I don't think about you. You weren't a Lynx Ash, you were that leopard, you tried to fight through.

When I got back to my hometown, I told my sister about you. She was so excited to meet you, and honestly she may have been jealous.

I didn't continue jumping after I found out.
Ibe-san tried so hard, but I couldn't bare it.

Without you here, it's as if all of the colour has faded from saturation.

Although you're gone, Shorter would be proud. So would Skip.

I met up with Sing after visiting you. He practically begged me to fight him for what Lao had done, but I refused. It wasn't his fault his brother was a coward.

Alex and Bones were heartbroken when they found out their boss had been killed. Bones had cried for months.

Max and Jessica got remarried. I haven't talked to either him or Ibe-san for long, but I bet they're doing well.

You left a you sized hole in my heart when you left thus world, but I am soon to meet you in the afterlife.

I refused to say this for so long, but my time has come.

I'll see you soon,

Sayonara, Ash.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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