Roleplay as a teaching Strategy | Julian Caesar Blanco

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Julian Caesar Blanco is from California, United States. He is so passionate about past history. Julian had done so many plays that were based on historical movement. Role-playing provides a safe environment to deal with different scenarios for the first time, that builds trust team members who can help them in their daily roles.

Role-play time has become a common training method among the branches of the military, emergency response groups, and companies where rapid decision-making is very much appreciated. So why not in the world of business training?

Over the last few years, seems to play a role have included more frequently in the business training curriculum, and for good reason

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Over the last few years, seems to play a role have included more frequently in the business training curriculum, and for good reason. For example, the sales team is constantly involved in the role-playing is more likely to outperform their competitors non-role-playing.

Benefits of Role-Play

Here are just a few of the benefits of making role-play a part of your business training:

Build confidence: When your team role-plays, you can throw any number of situations at them. Role-playing provides a safe environment to encounter these scenarios for the first time, which builds confidence in team members that can help them in their day-to-day roles.Develop listening skills: Good role-playing requires good listening skills. In addition to understanding the words the other person is saying, it's important to pay attention to body language and non-verbal clues. Better to have your team develop these skills while role-playing than when they're trying to perform in the real world.

Creative problem-solving: No matter how outlandish a situation you create in a controlled environment, generally, something even more bizarre is bound to happen on the job

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Creative problem-solving: No matter how outlandish a situation you create in a controlled environment, generally, something even more bizarre is bound to happen on the job. Role-playing will at least give your team the chance to get some experience in handling difficult situations and in developing creative problem-solving skills.

How to Start Role-Playing

While some organizations prefer to hire a professional facilitator for the most effective role-play, here are a few tips for doing it yourself:

Use actual locations: The best role-play is as realistic as possible. Put participants in the physical locations where they actually would experience the scenarios you're trying to replicate, whether that's the boardroom, the warehouse, or an executive's office.

 Put participants in the physical locations where they actually would experience the scenarios you're trying to replicate, whether that's the boardroom, the warehouse, or an executive's office

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Videotape your role-play: Videotaping the participants in role-playing scenarios is a valuable teaching tool. It allows people to see themselves — and their strengths and weaknesses, which can be quite powerful. It also allows them (and you) to "record" improvement as they progress.Hire consultants and actors: Getting an authentic role-play experience from your team may be difficult to do on your own. Bring in consultants and professional actors to get the training your team deserves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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