Chapter 1: Hateful Memories

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Hi, I'm Daniel Locks, and since your going to be with me for the rest of this I'll tell you what I look like just to get it out of the way. Im sixteen, I'm 6"7, I'm Black, I have dreadlocks that come to my shoulders, I like to wear red, and most important thing about me is I'm in jail. Now before you leave because of the topic or something let me give you a tale of what happened.

Before I ended up here I had a trust issue, I could only trust my friends and now I question that logic because they got me here. My friends: Larry, Jack, and Will and I were going to do what we usually do, robbery. I honestly never wanted to do it, but we had to look after each other. We were brothers of the street ever since we all met in Saint Rosewell Orphanage. We all got our ski masks on and we were walking through a system of allyways as a shortcut. "Hey guys I got something to ask you." I asked awkwardly. "What is it?" Said Will without looking back at me.

"Well I was thinking that we should stop after this." The other stopped in their tracks after the words left my mouth. "What do you mean stop?" "Well think about it, we're all sixteen, we can get jobs, we can stop the crimes and being on the run and be an average group of friends." I was weak in my stance and I sounded like I was only mumbling.

"What are you a fool, this is what keeps us alive, this is all we know and do." Will said turning back towards me. "Well I think that we should stop because it's wrong but I have to side with Will here." Said Jack, he was closer to me than the rest of the group. Will finally sighed and looked at me, "Alright Danny, I'll think about you and your offer after this okay."

"Okay,thank you." I said as I smiled under my mask, we continued walking until we made it to a bank, it was a fairly large building with white stairs and was primarily made of bricks and concrete. It was guarded higher than the usually places we rob. When we finally made it to the front steps I stopped and finally asked "What are doing here, there's to much security here." "Since this is the final time we're doing this why not make it big?" They walked through the double doors while I was stuck on look out.

I sat on the last steps of the staircase with my mask off and looking at the peaceful city, the sun shining shows how the developing world will rise and brightly shine it's glory. Yet with all great things, there comes a tragic end when I hear the blaring sirens coming from the cops in the distance driving down the street. I sprang up and ran into the bank I yelled "They're coming!" I look at the scene, dead bodies spread across the floor and spots of blood on the walls, I looked up and saw Will with an evil grin on his face, he looked at me and chuckled, "What's wrong, you know that the finale finishes off with a bang! Now come on and let's go!" He said as the others already left through the emergency exit doors. I snapped out of my daze and ran out of the room. I was behind the group and my mind was in a haze, my thoughts started to jumble and conjunction and they all had the same subject why? Why are they dead? How did he kill them? Did he do it?

I then saw how we were soon reaching to a dead end, Will who was in front of us all jumped up and lifted himself on to the roof, he reached over and brought Jack up, then Larry, when I was up he was hesitant for a while, I heard the sirens of the cop car getting closer. I started to worry even more, Will then peared over the ledge he stuck out one of his hands I grabbed on to it but I was stuck there in mid-air wondering why I wasn't being pulled up. "Why are you waiting they're going to be here?" "Well here's the thing Danny, I thought about you and your offer and to both... I decline." He let go of my hand and drop a gun from the roof, I hit the ground hard, enough that it knocked the air out of me, the gun landed on top of me. I heard footsteps both growing stronger and weaker.The cops roughly handled me into cuffs and into the back of the car, I had to think of a way to lighten my sentence, they already have the gun, but what can I do? It then came to me.

"I have the right to speak,right?" I ask, sitting up straight. "Yeah,but anything you say will be counted against you in court." Said the blonde newbie officer who was sitting in the passenger seat. "Okay, I didn't kill those people. Listen, I was desperate and someone came to me and he said he'll give me some money, I knew he would steal the money from the bank but he didn't tell me that he would kill anybody." I tried my best to make my story believable and put in some emotion to sweeten the belief.

And that is how I ended up in this jail, once we made it to court I told my story and the cops verified my it, some people who were there at scene saw me sitting at the steps and me running with the others. Instead of being sentence to death, I was sentence to 3-years in jail, for assisting robbery. It's night, the moonlight leaks through the iron bared window, the room was dark and cold. I turned over in my bed to face the wall and I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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