Mr.Beast Challange

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Disclaimer- This is just for fun, I respect the boys real life girlfriends and wives, just making an alternate story for the sake of my own silly imagination

Jimmy decided that he wanted to make a fan service video challange with his friends. He saw that ships were going around and people were fangirling over some moments, so why not milk it? He knew that it was bad to queerbait, so in the sake of countering that the donations of the video would be giving to local lgbt youth centers. The video was going to be simple, the too hot challange where you have to not kiss each other or back away while being close. (I know its where you kiss and cant touch, but I changed it to cant touch but be close lol)

While he knew this was ment for couples, he thought that a kissing challange where they have keep their faces really close together would definitally make a great thumbnail. The last pair to kiss each other wins 10,000$ each and that would be matched to the charity. So the boys agreed to it and quickly it became unexpectantly challanging for some.

The pairs are chandler and jimmy, chris and karl, marcus and jake. The punishment for not kissing the other is that they all have vibrating chairs that would increase the further they go.

It would make it harder not to jump onto the other person, as Jimmy had already known that the pairing, including himself, would find restraint hard in a stimulating situation like that. Since this was a very intamite video, he made sure that cameras were mostly by the faces incase some had boners to cover cause that shit would be demonitized quick.

Jimmys POV
Everything is set and I start the video with a classic beast intro.

"What's up jake paulers, and today we have another epic challange for the boys to win 10, 000$."

"Wow" replies chandler *inserted wow meme in edit

"Today we are going to be doing a fan requested challange of the no touch challange. Basically, we pair up into three teams and have to sit face to face. Both have to keep there faces within a few centimeters and whoever pulls away or leans in first loses, the last pair standing, or should I say sitting, will win 10,000$ each. I will also be donating the same amount to the lgbt youth center near us."

"We support all the gays!" Jake hollers

"Yeah!" Chris yells back and Chandler looks lost but just nods.

"Are you all ready to get in position?" I say, smirking at the others.

"Yeah, lets do this" Karl says*lets do it meme edited*

"Alright and before we get into the challange theres one more thing." Everyone looks suspensful at Jimmy even thought they fully know what it is.

"The chairs we will be sitting on will increase in vibrations every hour until it reaches max levels. Hopefully this will stir some people up and make it a little more challange than a staring contest. So, with that lets start."

Six chairs are set up in a room, where each pair sits in the chairs. Jimmy and Chandler are in blue chairs, Karl and Chris in Yellow chairs while Jake and Markus sit in pink chairs, representing the beast merch colours. Everyone gets in the chairs and leans forward into each others faces. Chandlers big doey eyes look into mine as I feel my heart palpitate. This wasn't going to be the easiest if Chandler keeps up those puppy dog eyes. Karl and Chris try to lean forward and Karl gets giggly.

"What the heck dude?" Chris says

"Sorry, its just so awkwardly close I get giggle when Im nervous." Karl replies.

I look over rolling my eyes seeing Karl already with a bright red face. Maybe they'll be the first to be out, I have to make sure Chandler doesnt get me before then.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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