chapter one

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It was one day until mike was visiting the byers we start off with will and justin talking at wills house

Will: I'm nervous about Tomorrow

Justin: ooooooooh you get to see mikey!

Justin new about wills crush on mike

Will: shut up!

Will: sorry...

Justin: I hope you don't have these anger outbursts when you see mike if you ever want anything to happen

Will: nothings gonna happen he is with el and loves her...

Justin: if that's what you think byers

Will: justin

Justin: yeah?

Will: thanks

Justin: for what?

Will: dealing with me and my mood swings and my dumb behaviour and for just being a great friend *will smiles*

Justin: no problem will *smiles back*

It was in the evening after tea

El: will are you excited!?

Will: yeah

El: what's wrong are you sick?

El touches wills forehead they are like siblings now

Will: I'm fine I'm really excited *faint smile*

El: good now I'm going to bed

El rushes off to her room

Will thoughts: shit

The next morning el kept calling for will to come down saying mike will be here in a minute

Will: shut up you have been saying that for ages

Wills head hurt and he could here ringing in his ears then his shelf fell down making a loud bang

Joyce: will are you ok!?

Joyce shouted from upstairs will was standing there is shock then realised he better say something before his mum comes up the stairs

Will: y-yeah just tripped!

Joyce: ok come down they will be here soon!

Will: ok coming!

Will walks downstairs and as soon as he gets to the bottom step a car pulled up in the driveway it was mike...

Mike: el!

Mike hugs el for about 10 seconds

El: I've missed you

They kiss

Will is about to run upstairs

Mike: will! Where are you going? come here!

Mike hugs him and will hugs back

Mike: I've missed you so much byers!

Will: missed you too mike *smiles*

Later that night in wills room with mike at 2 am

Will: mike?

Mike: yeah?

Will: I can't sleep

Mike: me neither will

Will gets nervous

Will: m-mi-ike?

Mike: yeah

Will: c-c-can I-I-I d-draw y-y-ou it h-helps me s-sleep...?

Mike: sure! Do have to pose?

Will: no just pretend I'm not looking at you

Will throws Mike a Rubit cube mike gives a confused look

Will: focus on it

1 hour later will fell asleep 10 minutes after he started drawing mike had been sitting there for 50 mins think will has been drawing him but when he looks at his watch he sees that's its 3am so he looks up at will and sees him fast asleep gently snoring

Mike: how long have I been sitting here?

Mike decides to go to sleep

Authors note: I hope you liked it ya its random and yes its byler so if you don't like byler leave i doubt many well any people are reading this but if you are in hope you have a lovely day bye🙃

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