muffins meets blond boy ✧༺♥༻∞

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muffins had just woken up, the light glistening into her eyes. she didn't like being woken up by the sunlight beaming into her eyes, but today it seemed more pleasant. quite unusual for her, but it she enjoyed it. she got up and went to the kitchen noticing there was a chocolate chip granola bar on the counter. she ate that for breakfast and made a small cup of coffee. she made a joke about drinking her cat since her cats name was coffee. she began to think the joke was stupid and stopped giggling, although she admitted she was funny. she also had a cat named creamer, but she didn't associate her with the joke. she often made cruel jokes about her cats but always will and always have unconditional love for them.

after she finished breakfast, she quickly walked to bathroom. she brushed her teeth and put her hair in the half up half down style, taking her red strips out completing the look. she walked quickly out of the bathroom and into her library. she chose three books that looked the most interesting to her and spent the rest of her morning reading them.

within the blink of an eye, it was already 1 o'clock. muffins decided to head to the park because it had always cheered her up when she was there. it gave her serotonin. she loved how the animals looked so flocculent and the way the river would flow peacefully down the stream. muffins would go there about twice a week, when she wasn't busy of course. not that many people went there, which she liked too but was surprised by. she liked the peace and quiet, the whole place was to herself also adding another advantage. she considered that park her sanctuary.

muffins arrived at the park pretty quickly. she rode her bike and managed to not make any stops. when she got there it was one-ten. she was surprised because when she made stops to get drinks and snacks it'd usually take her fifteen to twenty minutes to get there. not this time though. she was there within a heartbeat. she rode her bike down the park trail, leading to her favorite place in the park. she set her bike down on the golden brown bench and walked near the river, where she then spotted a duck. the ducks vibrant colors made her smile. muffins said to her friends that she cared more for animals than she did humans. muffins stayed there for about an hour doing countless amounts of things, such as taking pictures on her polaroid of the sparkling river, feeding the animals, and biking down paths. she then followed the trail that lead her out of the park.

muffins continues to bike out of the park but stops when she sees familiar face. it is a boy. she noticed he had platinum blond hair and piercing blue eyes, similar to the boy she sees in her dreams. the boy was walking in her direction so she decided to pedal and get closer to him. she stopped and lifted her hand to put her hair behind her ear but had knocked her earring off. "OW!" she exclaimed. the boy was close to muffins and looked down to find her earring. he picked it up and noticed it was a serpent earring. the boy tapped on muffins shoulder and proceeded to say, "you looking for something?" and held out his hand to reveal the earring.

"oh yeah. that's mine." muffins said. she took it out of the boys hand and as soon as she looked up, she found herself making eye contact with the boy. her eyes widened as she felt her stomach flutter. she knew she had always seen this boy in her dreams and she was attracted to him. she couldn't believe this was real. in a shaky voice, muffins proceeded to say, "well um, thanks for my earring. if it was one of my guy friends they probably would've laughed at me for dropping it." the boy gave muffins a long glare and said, "well i mean i would laugh but that'd be cruel, wouldn't it?" muffins gave him a death stare and responded back with, "i can't really tell if you have hair or not. it's too light for me to even see. from a few steps away you look bald." the boy stopped and stared for a second but then immediately started busting out laughing. muffins hated to admit it but she found his laugh cute. "you're funny. honestly i'd expect myself to be upset about this but no, it was genuinely funny," the boy said while smiling. muffins chuckled a little. "i know that i'm funny, blond boy," muffins said bluntly.

fifteen minutes passes by and the boy and muffins talk about where they're from and their interests. muffins was surprised the boy hadn't introduced himself yet, but as soon as she began to guess what his name was, he said it.
"oh i should've told you my name a few minutes ago. how stupid of me. i'm draco, draco malfoy." muffins stood there in such shock. she couldn't believe it. in her dreams she always imagined the boy casting spells or making fun of a boy with dark brown hair, glasses and a scar on his forehead. in her dreams, the boys name was harry. it was like a whole story series in her head. she was astonished by the fact that she had just met the boy that was in her dreams. she didn't know how to react. she needed to say something before the conversation became awkward so she blurted out whatever came to her mind first. "am i dreaming?" she asked. draco looked at muffins like she was crazy and just stood there. "sorry. that was a stupid question. well draco, my name is tia but everyone calls me muffins." draco almost choked on his own spit while laughing. "MUFFINS?" draco asked while laughing hysterically.
muffins responded in a moody tone, "oh would you shut up? my friend elaina made up the nickname last year when we met. she said i smelled like muffins and the nickname just took on from there." draco tried his best to hold in his laugh and managed to say, "whatever muffins. whoever your friend is, she gave you a stupid nickname." there was a moment of silence but the conversation continued. draco apologized but muffins for saying her nickname was stupid but muffins admitted her nickname was funny as well. even her friend elaina, the one who made up the nickname thought it was funny.

the conversation between muffins and draco lasted so long it almost felt like forever. "muffins, here's my phone number if you want to meet up again," draco said happily. muffins smiled and thanked him. today had been what she thought was the best day of her life. it had already almost been two-thirty so muffins decided to wave bye to draco and he waved bye back. she pedaled quickly out of the park and back home. as soon as she got home, she ran up the stairs and flopped right onto her bed. she smiled while staring at the ceiling. she felt genuinely happy. a few moments later, her cats coffee and creamer came into her room and jumped on her bed.  she began stroking their faces as they purred softly. muffins set her head down and surprisingly fell asleep.

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