Just Following Orders

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Agent Aaron Hotcher has been working for Ambassador Prentiss for 9 months now. He started in September, extremely nervous and not knowing what to expect. This was his first real important job anyways, and he didn't want to mess it up. But now it's the end of May and he's settled in a bit. He no longer felt his stomach doing flips when he woke up in the morning, and he no longer fidgeted while looking into the eyes of the Ambassador as she told him his duties for the week. He was becoming increasingly more stoic- not that he cared. He knew he needed to be in his line of work.

Beep. beep. Beep.

"Mrrph" He grunted, rolling over and shutting off his alarm clock. 5:30 AM. Even after 9 months to start adjusting, Aaron Hotcher still wasn't really a morning person. Peeling himself out of bed, he got ready for the day. The previous day Ambassador Prentiss had issued a meeting with him starting at 6:30 AM. Way too early for his taste but it's not like he could complain. He stumbled into the bathroom, turning the sink on the coldest setting. Sticking his blue toothbrush under the water stream, he watched intently as the bristles became damp before applying his mint toothpaste. Why had the Ambassador called a meeting so early? The sound of him spitting into the sink echoed in his rather large bathroom. The room he was given to stay in was surprisingly boujee- not that he should have expected anything less from the Prentiss'. The sun began to rise, an orange hue spilling through the shades and into the room as Hotcher pulled on his black slacks and white button down. Opening his closet, he decided on a blue tie with little "C's" on it- Chanel- the best tie he owned. It had been a gift from the Ambassador on his birthday. He was surprised to say the least when she placed the wrapped box into his hands. She never really was the type to show affection, or even kindness for that matter. I guess she was good at hiding her emotions...he didn't really blame her for that. He shook his head, looking over at his black suit jacket before deciding it was getting far too hot to wear a whole jacket. Taking one last look at himself in the mirror, he rolled up his dress shirt sleeves before walking out the door. Some people may say that rolling up your dress sleeves is unprofessional- but he didn't care.

"Agent Hotchner! Good morning!" Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss smiled at Aaron as he stepped into her office. She placed the book she was reading back onto a nearby shelf before taking a seat at her desk. He noticed whenever he walked in, her nose was deeply embedded in a book. "Please, take a seat."

"Good morning Ambassador," He spoke as he leaned back in the leather upholstered chair across from his boss. "What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to update you on security clearances, just a small change will be happening that's all," She began, her smile disappearing from her face as she began to speak again. "Someone is coming around who I need you to keep an eye on for me." Aaron furrowed his brow at the Ambassador. She seemed to go cold very quickly.

"Absolutely Ma'am, what's his name?" Hotcher asked. By her facials, this person seemed to be very important.

"Not his. Her. Emily Prentiss, my daughter," The Ambassador sighed, leaning back in her chair. "She's coming back from Yale. She is a...handful to say the least."

Aaron nodded. He had heard that The Ambassador had a daughter, though he's never met her. Word around the workplace is that she was very much a wild card. "Dark, mysterious, and moody,"... Other agents words- not his. He knew that there was some sort of strain in Emily and Elizabeth's relationship. She never spoke of Emily, and he's never even seen a photo of her. No framed photos, and no family scrapbooks on coffee tables.

"I'll keep an eye on her, no problem." Hotchner spoke. The Ambassador snorted.

"She'll make it a problem for you. Wicked girl...only thinking about herself." Aaron looked down at his feet as Elizabeth talked so low about her daughter. Emily is at Yale, how horrible can she be? He thought. He snapped out of his thoughts as Ambassador Prentiss stood up out of her chair. "She'll probably be here around 10am... you can't miss her.." She said rolling her eyes. Emily couldn't be that bad.. Could she?

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