Bamboozle Begins

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(We open on a late night in Fiction City. There is calmness to it. The usual white noise of bustle and late night traffic and people on their way home or to work. A top one of these rooftops, piercing the night sky like a needle, is a man. A man in a brown trench coat, fedora, and a black domino mask. He had several granola bars and water bottles with him, some already consumed. This was a stake out. One being performed by the long-lived detective, Detective Chuck. He was currently sitting on the edge with a pair of binoculars, scanning the warehouses on the docks. But he wasn't looking for fish. He was looking for something far smellier. Clowns. And not any old regular clowns, but the clowns from Pagliacci Patsies Rental Clown Service, open Mondays through Sunday's. 24/7.)

Chuck: Alright, Pagliacci. Let's see what your "legitimate business" has in store for me tonight. More clown gear? Or will I finally catch your ass with some of the drugs and weapons you're peddling?

(We cut to the inside of the warehouse. Several clowns were unloading cargo from a ship and into a truck)

Clown A: Man when is the boss gonna start telling us when these shipments are gonna be the good shit or just more clown stuff?

Clown B: None of our damned business. Remember what happened to the last poor schmuck that started asking questions?

Clown A: No?

Clown B: Exactly.

Clown C: Will you two stop reminiscing about corpses and get back to work? The boss needs this crap uptown yesterday.

Clown D: Yesterday? Then why are we doing it so late?

Clown C: You dumbass.

Chuck: These guys are idiots. How is everyone in this city in their pocket?

(A few minutes later, as the clowns were getting nearly done with loading their cargo, there was a knock on the warehouse door.)

Clown E: The hell is that?

Clown B: Bet it was Vinnie. That asshole always forgets what time we're supposed to meet up here.

(One of the clowns headed over to the door and opened the slat to see who was knocking. But it was not Vinnie.)

Clown A: What the fu-

(The door was blown off its hinges, flattening the poor clown who was standing in front of it as it landed on the opposite wall of the room)


(The other clowns all gathered around the door. Some looking at their felled friend, and others staring at the doorway, which was billowing with red smoke)

Clown D: That aint Vinnie.

(Out from the red smoke, came a man in a top hat with a cape and clout goggles)

Clown C: Who the hell are you?

???: Ahem. Is this one of the Pagliacci Patsies warehouses?

Clown B: Uhh. Yeah?

???: Great! Because boy, do I gotta complaint for you guys!

Clown D: You killed Luca!

???: What? Oh don't worry he'll be fine. I think. But what I wanted to say was....

Clown B: Clowns! Ice this asshole!

???: Wait what?

(The remaining clowns pulled out their guns and filled the intruder full of holes.)

Chuck: Oh my God. He's done. Pagliacci's done! I can get these guys to rat him out for a reduced sentence! This is perfect! This is-

(The clowns stopped their bullet barrage and the stranger's body fell to the floor)

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