.+* Chapter One *+.

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Shuichi POV:

I sat in my dorm reading. Nothing interesting had happened for a few days in the killing game, and I was starting to get a bit nervous. I heard a sudden knock on my door, and I jumped, startled. Without even waiting for a response, Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, burst into my dorm and tackled me.

"Ni-hi-hi!" He giggled. "Gotcha Shumai!" I pushed him off of me, but he grabbed me again by the waist. I rolled my eyes. This guy...

"Kokichi, come on. Be serious," I looked at him. He raised an eyebrow.

"What're you talking about Shumai? I'm always very serious! Ni-shi-shi!~"

I was about to reprimand him, when Monokuma suddenly began to speak over the television and speakers. "Attention, students! Can you all please come to the gym? I have a surprise waiting for you all!~" The television then cut off. I rolled my eyes. Probably ANOTHER motive.

"Ooh! I wonder what the surprise is! I hope they get rid of stupid Kaito!" Kokichi chirped as he quickly skipped out of the door.


I arrived in the gym last. I went and stood next to Kaede and Kaito. Monokuma popped up on the stage. Surprisingly, the Monokubs weren't with him. Not like I'm disappointed, though.

"Ahem!" Monokuma shouted. "I have a new motive for you all!~" Most of us simultaneity groaned or rolled our eyes. So far, there were two motives in place already, and nobody had died. How was any other motive going to effect us?

"For this motive to work, I am removing both motives that are currently active. They will return, however, when this motive ends. So don't get too disappointed!~" Monokuma taunted us. I raised an eyebrow. 

"I will pass out a paper to everyone! Look carefully at what is on your paper, puhuhuhu~" Monokuma began walking around the room, passing a paper to each of us. Huh, strange. I thought to myself. My paper had the number 4 on it, and a small circle in the bottom corner, along with an X inside of it.

"What do you think these are, Shuichi?" Kaede asked me with her beautiful eyes. Geez, she's got me falling for her already... "This sure is confusing..." She shook her head.

Kaito rolled his eyes. "I don't see how these could be motives. It's just a damn piece of paper!"

Monokuma cleared his throat. Does he even have a throat? "Now that everyone has received a paper, those who have a special symbol in the bottom corner should come up next to the stage.

I watched as Himiko, Ryoma, Rantaro, K1-B0, and Tenko all walked up to the stage.

Kaito looked at my paper. "Oh, you have one too? I guess we should go up then."

"Me too," Kaede said, looking uneasy. The three of us walked up to the stage and stood in front of it. Before we could even blink, Monokuma had rushed past all of us and put a band on our arms.

"Wh-what the?- What did you do?!" Tenko angrily asked Monokuma. Himiko looked at her band sleepily, still unsure of what was happening, and didn't seem to even care.

"Puhuhuhu..." Monokuma laughed. "Before I explain, look at your papers one more time, and see what number you have. Pair up with whoever has the same number as you. There may also be groups of three!~"

Kaede looked at her paper. "I've got a number 2. What about you guys?"

"Number 7 for me," Kaito shrugged. "What about you, bro?"

"O-Oh, I've got a number 4." I guess I won't be in a group with Kaede or Kaito. I wonder who'll be in my group?

I walked around for a bit and noticed the groups. Ryoma and Kiyo were paired up, and it looked like Angie, Himiko, and Tenko were a group of three. I noticed Kaede going over to K1-B0 as well. Rantaro suddenly walked up to me.

"Hey, Shuichi."

I would be lying if I said I didn't jump at first. "O-Oh, hey Rantaro. What's your number?"

"4. What about you?"

"I also have 4."

"I guess we're a group, then."

I noticed Gonta, Kirumi, Kokichi, Tsumugi, Kaito, and Maki all didn't have groups yet. Then Kaito walked over to Maki, and I can only assume they were a pair because Maki didn't walk away. Miu had also joined Kaede and K1-B0.

Kokichi wandered around the room a bit until he walked over to Rantaro and I.

"Hey, you two!" Please don't have a 4, please don't have a 4, please don't have a-

"I have a 4, what about you guys?" Kokichi asked in a snarky voice.

"Oh, yeah. Guess you're with us then, Kokichi," Rantaro smiled. How did he not have a problem with this?

Now it was only Gonta, Tsumugi, and Kirumi who didn't have partners. That didn't stop Monokuma, though. 

"Ahem, now that everyone has found their partners, I will explain the motive," Monokuma announced.

"Um, Monokuma? Gonta is confused," Gonta piped up. "Tsumugi, Kirumi, and Gonta all have no partner."

"Yes, I know. I couldn't find anybody to pair you up with," Monokuma rolled his eyes and batted his paw. That didn't make any sense. Couldn't he have partnered those three up together?

"Anyways, the bands some of you are wearing are shockers!~" Monokuma smirked.

"Hold on, what!?" Kaito yelled.

"H-Hey, Wait a minute!" Kaede looked around nervously.

"Y-You can't put a shocker on Himiko! Or me! Or any of the girls!" Tenko complained.

"Now now, don't get too worried. I won't be controlling them," Monokuma jumped off of the stage, with a small box in hand. He walked around to each of the groups and handed a little remote to one person in each squad. The people who got one were Kiyo, Angie, Miu, Maki, and... KOKICHI?!

"Ooooh! Lemme guess, these activate the shock bands on the people in our group?" Kokichi's eyes lit up.

"Puhuhuhuhu, correct!~" Monokuma laughed. "And you will be staying in the dorm of whoever has your remote. You also cannot kill whoever has your remote."

That didn't make sense. What's the point of this, other than to get someone to get fed up with this and kill their tormentor? This was too confusing. Also, Rantaro and I staying in Kokichi's room? Geez, this was gonna get old very quickly.

"What about me, Gonta, and Tsumugi?" Kirumi asked.

"I dunno, you figure it out," Monokuma shrugged as he disappeared, leaving us confused.

{Words: 1100}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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