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Izuku was shaking with excitement as his mother drove him to the quirk doctor so they could find out what his quirk would be.

Izuku was so excited!

When they pulled up to the quirk doctor's office, the car had barely stopped moving when Izuku had hopped out and got ready to take off.

He was stopped by the voice of a kind woman. "Izuku, wait up!" Came the amused voice of Inko Midoriya, mother of Izuku.

Obediently, he waited for his mother to catch up, before he grabbed her hand and started dragging her at a quickened pace towards the office.

Chuckling, Inko sped up to match Izuku, and they made it to the building in no time.

Walking into the waiting area, Izuku looked around in awe, watching as all the kids played around with new quirks, some having basic quirks, such as being able to make illusions, or make their hands grow to large proportions, others with much more flashy quirks, like manipulating the air, and creating energy waves.

As Izuku looked around, studying all the quirks better than most heroes could in a day, in a couple of moments, letting his eyes roam and his brain dream of all the possibilities of their quirks, how they could be used in anything from heroics, to cooking, to even how they could be used to clean a house more efficiently. While he was doing this, his mom walked up and confirmed his appointment with the quirk doctor, and being informed that they would have to wait another ten minutes or so.

Izuku was extremely smart, his minor -read, Major- obsession with quirks boosting his processing power through the roof, and he had already developed a nearly photographic memory. He also had begun a work-out routine, knowing he'd need to be in top condition to become a hero. He didn't know how smart he was, of course, or that he was already leagues above his classmates in physical strength.

Having been lost in thought for a moment, Izuku was shocked back into reality when his mother snapped her fingers in front of his face.

Started, he looked around, his eyes coming to rest on a doctor waiting expectantly, and his mother signaling for him to follow her.

He ran over to them and followed her to his office.

"So, Mrs. Midoriya, does Young Midoriya have anything I need to be aware of? Such as allergies, traumatic experien..." Izuku tuned the doctor and his mother out as they talked about his health and allergies and whatnot, and started focusing on his surroundings. Unconsciously, he routed the way back to the main entrance without really noticing it. He also glanced into the offices they passed, and saw a bunch of kids getting their quirks tested. Once again, he day dreamed of the possibility of all the quirks he saw, until they reached the office.


"Well," said the Doctor, coming out of his office with a grim look on his face. "I appear to be the bearer of some rather unfortunate news."

"What is it doctor?" Questioned Inko in a rather worried tone, fearing their might be something wrong with her son.

"Tell me," said the Doctor, completely ignoring Inko's question,"what do you wish to be when you grow up, Young Midoriya?"

"I wanna be a hero, just like All Might!" Cheered the tiny version of Izuku Midoriya, blissfully unaware of the bombshell the doctor was about to drop on his head.

"Well, you may want to give up on that dream." Said the doctor, sadness coating his external features.

"What do you mean, Doctor?" Asked Inko, her tone clearly worried for Izuku's well-being.

"Well, it appears he is quirkless."

The air was filled with a deathly silence, the tension thickening in the air to a point where Izuku could almost touch it, could almost let it wrap around his small form, let it protect him from the harsh truth of reality.

But there was no running.

No hiding from reality's cold gaze.

No escaping from the world's deadly grasp.

No outmaneuvering life's calculated plans.

But Izuku'd be damned if he didn't at least try.

Suddenly, like a crack of a marathon's starting pistol, the tension broke, trying to bring the full weight of everything down onto Izuku's world. Izuku wouldn't go without a fight, though.

Getting up from his chair, blindly following the path he had unintentionally memorised, racing through the compound, his work out regimen paying off, bursting though the front doors of the quirk clinic, and making a mad dash for the car.

He ran inside of the car, opening his door and slamming it shut, locking the door behind him, tears streaming down his cheeks, wishing for the world to leave him alone, wishing to be left alone.

He realised his fatal mistake as the door clicked open.

His mother had the keys.

His mother pulled him into a tender hug, as all the pent up sadness that the child had barely suppressed poured out of him, succumbing to the pull off his mother's comfort.

He cried freely for what felt like hours but was more akin to ten minutes, before pulling himself back together enough to ask one life-altering question.

"D-do you th-think I c-can still become a-a hero t-too?"

He watched as his mother's eyes formed tears of their own, before she swiftly snatched him up into a hug if her own.

"I'm sorry, Izuku, I'm so sorry!"

Izuku internally frowned.

Those weren't the right words.

His mother was supposed to encourage him.

His mother was supposed to support him.

His mother was supposed to believe in him.

Yet she did not.

Well, there was always his best friend Kacchan.

Maybe he'd believe in him?

968 words

Izuku Midoriya, The Parkourist.Where stories live. Discover now