1- Stewart

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I walked inside the living room, gently closing the door behind me. But as always I spot my mom standing in the kitchen.

"Who was that?" My mom asked from the kitchen.

"Lucas, it was Lucas mom." I replied climbing the stairs.

"This is the third time he's been here to see you this weekend."

"I'm a person mom, I need company and yes it's the third time." I yelled closing the door to my room else she'll keep trying to make up conversations I wasn't interested in.

Being an only child isn't much of a fun if you ask me. Well, my mom sometimes try but it doesn't really make any much difference.

My parents are separated, though they both love me very much but their love for each other died the day my dad cheated on my mom with his secretary. They decided not to go on with the divorce because I wasn't ready for it. My dad visits every weekend but this weekend was a very busy one for him and he's called multiple times to apologise. He's a sweet father, my mom although detest him now like they've never been married before.

"Carissa?" My mom called from downstairs.

"Carissa, the food is ready. Do you want yours now dear?"

"No mom! I'll eat when I'm hungry. Thank you!"

I stare at the walls of my room as I remember my conversation with Lucas earlier today.

Oh! Lucas isn't my boyfriend.

He is actually my friend and I have had a crush on him since I was eleven. He also happens to be my neighbour. Well, he lives five blocks away from mine. His family is wealthy and he has just one sibling Camila, who I would unmistakenly describe as arrogant. Camila and I attended the same high school, although she's in college now.

Lucas and I started talking a year ago after we officially met at Camila's party. I wasn't exactly invited to the party, neither was I enthusiatic about it, considering it was a party organised by a wealthy family. The only reasons I went if I'm being honest was because it was an open invitation and also I wanted to see Lucas.

I didn't only see him but we've been talking from that day till now and he has been visiting my house. You can say we're friends. He's at least four years older than I am.

Earlier today he told me he was going on  a business trip with his dad. I didn't bother asking because I don't know anything about that. He said he would be back after three days.

The sound of his voice always make my stomach flutter and it didn't really matter what he was saying. It just occurred to me now that I won't be seeing him for the next three days. I'm not happy about that but there's nothing I can do about it either.

I would say Lucas sees me as "just" a friend with no strings or anything attached but it's different for me though, I wouldn't want to ruin our little friendship by admitting that to him. I still have a huge crush on him regardless and I always look forward to seeing him.

"Carissa....!" My mom never gets tired of announcing my name. "Stewart is here."

Stewart Jones. He is my boyfriend. Stewart is a tall, handsome, athletic boy who I fell in love with at first sight. We met in high school, He is in college now...
I also should be in college but I am not. I'm coming to that.

...back to Stewart.
He told me he'd be back this weekend but I was too busy with Lucas that I totally forgot all about it.

Downstairs, Stewart stood smiling at me while my mom sat on the couch trying to wink or whatever it was she was trying to do with her eyes.

"Hey baby, you look adorable." He said as he walked towards me.

"And you look more muscular."
We both chuckled and he kissed me on my lips.

My mom was still doing that thing with her eyes and grinning like she just won a lottery.

Stewart bought chocolates for me as always. We went out to town and he told me all about college. He is studying engineering and he never hides his excitement about the course. I enjoy his company. He has an amazing sense of humour and a cute smile.

Anyone may want to think I don't love Stewart but I do. In fact I love him a whole lot.

Here is what I think, I think Stewart is the perfect guy for any girl as Thelma would always say but Lucas on the other hand is the "most" perfect guy for any girl.

Stewart is my boyfriend and I love him regardless of the butterflies I get when I am with Lucas.

Thelma is my cousin. She hasn't visited in like forever. I miss her so much. She promised to drop by soon but her new job as a salesgirl haven't really allowed her keep to her words.

I was back at home after an hour and forty five minutes out with Stewart. My mom as usual already set the table for dinner. It was spaghetti. My favourite. My mom is actually a great cook and she enjoys cooking so I don't know how to cook and I don't get to cook.

Over dinner, my mom asked me where I wanted to go for my 20th birthday. It took me off guard, first, because my birthday was still in seven month's time and secondly, she wasn't a birthday person. If not for my dad who throws parties for me and her, I'm sure they won't be anything like celebration in our house.

My phone rang and I needed to take the call, I excused myself.

It was Lucas...

This is my first attempt guys. Please lemme know what y'all think about this and also if you enjoyed it. Your opinions matters. Please vote and comment!❤


Sweet pain Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang