𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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My friends and I were walking thru the Tower of London with my friends. You know the typical thing you do on a Friday night.

Just kidding. We wanted to go there since my friends discovered the Tudors and Six the musical after I annoyed them with it for five months.

I don't know why but for some reason I thought it was a good idea too hide and stay the night which is a crime probably but well.. we did it anyway.

„I'm really scared" Karolina says

„Come on Kare (Care)" Hanna begins


„Han, Hanna Stop or you'll jinx it or we'll get caught" Karolina says

„Come on Karolina we won't get caught" Hanna reassures

„You won't"

„See we- Wait who said that?" Hanna asks

I turn around and see someone I never thought I'd see.

„What the fuck?" i exclaim

„You" Anne says

„Me?" I ask

„Yes you. You're the girl from the legend."

„What Legend?"

„The Legend of the Girl from 2020. A girl with dark blonde hair, blue grey eyes like the sky, named Maria like jesus mother."

„My name is Mia not Maria."

„Mia didn't you say your parents named you after your great grandmother Maria because Mia is a version of Maria." Katie reminds me

„The King will fall for her."

„Oh shat" I say

„Yeah shat much Mia" Karolina says while Liz and Amelia just look at the ghost of Anne fricking Boleyn.

„They are ghosts? I didn't watch that Girl Defined Video." i mutter to myself sarcastically

„Yo are Liz and Amy Okay?"

„Don't call me Amy " she whispers without looking away

„Guys staring is rude" I remind them jokingly. They looked at me shocked how I was so chill suddenly. Well- I wasn't. Surprise.

„Well how is a girl from 2020 supposed to go to 15hundret something"

„Wait wait now she's gonna say time travelling " Hanna jokes while Karolina lets out an annoyed sigh

„Well yes" Anne paused

„You need to save me please, save me from being executed. Make him fall for you please please please save me. All I wanted was to-„ she started to get emotional

„Okay I'll do it." I cut her off because even though I have an emotional zodiac sign, Cancer, I get uncomfortable if people cry or somethin'.

„WHAT?" all my friends exclaim

„But only if they can come too" they all look at me shocked.

„Sure" Anne says

„Can I take my phone and tampons. Oh and how do you know that it's me ?"

„Just say Happy Ever After Anne and Thomas are supposed to be I'll help you flee and you can take everything you have now because we have to go now- well you. Have fun." she says.

Suddenly something that looks like a tornado forms around us.

„Oh shat maybe that wasn't a great idea." I slightly scream getting panicked

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