Dear Mr. Mystery,

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Apparently I fancy you. Don't know how that happened. Surely wasn't planned. Anyway, our last meeting wasn't a good idea. It really messed with my head. It made me question everything far beyond rationality. Way too much. Why did these feelings come from nowhere? When did I start wanting to speak to you, hearing your voice, and get to know everything about you? When did I start missing you so dearly?

It's unjust how you can set everything straight just by looking at me. When you look at me so sincerely and treat me like l deserve everything, I can't breathe. When I feel fluttering in my chest I have to push you away. I'm far too dangerous to get attached to. I won't trust anyone and even though you might be THE exception I can't risk anything. I can't handle hurting you by accident. You deserve the world and I'm scared I won't be enough.

It is hard not knowing whether we're going to keep in touch in the future. Will you even remember me? 'Cause I really value our relationship, even our friendship, and I don't want it to vanish. It might all be speculations in my brain, I might have missed to take something obvious into account. I haven't lost you yet and maybe I won't at all. Nevertheless it's a possibility.

And in case life leads us astray, with bait as appealing as a carrot to the starving horse; here's your goodbye.

SINCERELY, Ms. Confidential.

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