The proposle

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At Harry's concert Louis was backstage, he couldn't wait for what he was about to do. While Harry was singing two ghosts Louis comes from behind Harry and taps him on the shoulder and gets on one knee and says "hazza I will love you and will always love you, you are the love of my life, will you marry me" Harry says holding back his tears " yes lou!" After that Louis stayed at the concert on the stage sitting watching Harry preform. He said to himself " I'm so lucky to be marrying such an amazing guy" Harry looked down at Louis and says " me too". After the concert they went to the hotel and just sat there. Louis says " wanna go in the pool" Harry says " yes lou!" They went to the pool. Fans saw them and they said " omg LARRYS REAL" Louis says " yeah and we're engaged" the fan says " that's amazing I hope you guys have a great night" Harry and Louis went to go to bed. The next day they went home. Then Louis gets a call from Niall and Liam. Niall and Liam said " hey guys we heard about you two getting engaged and we hope you guys are doing well bye." Louis and Harry got home. They said hi to Olivia. Olivia says " dada is that a ring?" Harry says " yes me and lou are getting married" Olivia says " dada can I go see your mom" Harry says " yeah" Louis starts crying. Olivia says "dada why dad crying? Was it something I said" Harry says " no he just lost his mom a long time ago and it's very hard for him" Olivia says " oh well why can't we find her" Harry says " well it's not like that she's up in heaven with the angles" Louis says " she's with my sister aunt fizzy" Olivia goes to bed.

The end

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