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Start writing your story

Lust, Onyx, KXNG

Why concern yourself?

Don't you appreciate the place you've been given?

The opportunities in front of you?

And yet you stand here speaking to yourself as if you are some lowly individual trying to make sense of it all.

Liberal with the attitudes towards sexual arousal and behavior society has become,

But when you begin to throw away all logic for the sake of a feeling,

What the hell are you even doing?

You preach so much about responsibility, yet you are willing to fall down to the temptation and regret it later.

You KNOWINGLY want to get involved with something which you know has consequences and will most likely do it because it is appealing and everyone else is doing it...

What are you?

Who are you?


Don't listen to the ramblings of your inner self.

A man will be made from the carvings of your love which will be inseminated into the woman of your choice.

The woman's desires vary, but they are all around you and waiting despite what you may feel.

Your morality is important, yes, but at the same time so is your development and finding yourself through experimentation, and most likely honesty in what you would want to do with a variety of foods which are at your disposal.

Isn't it you who said that poetry was the way to swoon the womb and allow for quite an amount of bodies to fall at your feet?

Isn't that what you want?

To experience the warm flesh of your prey, slowly breathing upon their neck before the tantalizing bite?

Before your teeth sink into the skin and rip the soft tissue from each organ, you savor the taste of it all? Isn't that what you want?



What is the most valuable thing on this planet?


What is also valuable?

Patience, experience, and maturity.

Patience in understanding that you are unable to reach points within your life and deal with those unless you have reached the appropriate age.

Through rushing every experience there is nothing else to be done in life and you constantly seek out pleasure and once you have reached that state of perpetual rage within yourself and constantly search for a high off of each and every different woman which you want...what does that make you?

An animal?

A normal person?

You are lost. That is what you will become had you entered a pact with the Devil and accepted defeat by eating of his apple and opening up yourself to the works of him.

The Faustian deal which you would have set would end in your soul being diminished.

You are mature, yes, but the younger side of yourself, (KX) is losing every sense of logic and is but emotion attempting to comprehend himself.

You are a man mentally, but physically you are a boy, and as you are trying to fight this war through this process, you are losing if you dare allow yourself to fall down to this.

No one understands you, the age of which you speak is that of the elderly and the voice used in vocal distortion is that of a roaring lion and a howling wolf.

But not only must you balance that, you must rise above the lower pleasures and lift up yourself.

The Muladhara is the first, and though you do not believe in such, you know that it is true that you are still at the root, the lowest point, and once you rise above it, you can be better than what you already are.


I will not fall.

I will not fail.

Don't fall.

We won't fall.

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