chapter 1

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It was just another day getting a call from my best friend ashton he always wakes me up at 6am I don't know why ,we don't have school until 8. As I got up I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After I came out of the bathroom I see that my phone was ringing it was ashton , I answer and he tells me to let him in the house. I put on some baggie sweats and a tank top. As I make my way down the stairs to the door I remember that my parents are still a sleeps so I lower my noise level. I open the door to find a shivering ashton he walks in side and I tell him to keep it down cause my parents are asleep. Once we got to my room I shut my door and turn back to ashton who gives me a hug and kiss on the check "morning babe"

Ashton always calls me babe but it's what best friends do.

As we got to school we walked through the hall and found our lockers that were right next to each other. As I was putting things inside my locker calum and michael walk up ,my other two best friends,

"Hey Megan"


(" how was your weekend")

Just as they started talking I see luke hemmings walking by he was the school jerk with tattoos and a lip piercing I didn't even know why he comes to school.

We look at each other while he walks by until calum shoves my arm


" what"

" how was your weekend"

" Oh well my weekend was fine I slept mostly"

" That's cool I guess"

The bell rings and me and ashton walk to soon as we enter our first class I see luke sitting in the very back,me and ashton sit down and I tell him

"I already hate this class"

" Why"

"look who is in the back"

He slowly turns but quickly turns back

"Isn't that luke"

" Yes"

"Wow he has changed"

" what do you mean"

He didn't always look that way,now ashton has me intrested

"Who do you me ashton"

"Well when we went to different middle school luke went to mine and he didn't have any of this no piercings or tattoos and he didn't have black hair. He was just a little blonde haired boy with green glasses "

" wow I wonder what made him change to this"

Alright class the teacher begins


At lunch ashton,michael, calum,and I all sat together.some girl came up to ashton and and said he should come to a party tonight and gives him a piece of paper with an address

"Well then" I smirk at ashton

"Are you going to go" michael asks

"Only if Megan comes"

" what no I don't want to go to a party"

" Oh come on Megan live alittle"

" fine I'll go"

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