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"Honey, I'm home!"
She slipped out of her pristine white high heels, closing the door behind her.
Something seemed off. It was too quiet. There was always some noise when she came home, either he was watching TV, doing a workout in the livingroom or blasting music through
the whole apartment, and sometimes everything at once.
Hm. That was strange. But he was probably just taking a nap or something. That could be it. Or maybe he wasn't even home yet?
She called again. There was no answer.
Now slightly concerned, she let her eyes wander through the room, looking for any signs that he was already home.
She spotted his jacket on the couch, looking as if it's been thrown there carelessly.
But where was he?
She looked in the bedroom, the dining room, the bathroom, everywhere, but she just couldn't find him.
There was a note on the kitchen table.
With shaking hands she picked it up, immediately recognising his handwriting. The text was blurry on some parts. Tears, without a doubt.
While she read, panic and fear overcame her and the terrible truth slowly settled in.
The note slid out of her trembling fingers and onto the ground, but she was already out of the room. There was only one place she hadn't checked yet...
She burst outside into the cold air, her face covered in sweat from running up the stairs so quickly.
And there, facing the dark skyline he stood, on the very edge of the roof, the wind ruffling through his beautiful dark hair.
He looked at her over his shoulder. His eyes were red, his face tear stained and contorted in terrible, unspeakable grief.
(The wind was so strong) she almost didn't catch his whispered words.
"I love you. I'm sorry"
A scream tore the night apart.

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