The Disappearance of Gilbert

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Eric sat his food on the lunch table,the empty table. While every other surrounding table talked. Some were whispering,and Eric knew they were whispering about him.
What's he doing?Is he depressed? I heard he was a part of a Gang. Eric didn't care for these comments. No one sat with him,this didn't make him feel lonely or sad he like sitting alone. People were kinda scared of him,but he didn't care. He never got into fights, actually he got in a fight once with a boy named Jamie. He was big and tough,but  Eric beat him and everyone left him alone,Even the teachers. No one sat with him but that day was different. A disabled boy sat his tray down next the him,and sat down.
"Hi i'm Gilbert, what's yours?" He said.
Eric stayed silent thinking he would go away,but he didn't.
"Why are you sitting alone?" Gilbert asked.
"My name is Eric,"  He said.
"Oh,nice to meet you Eric," Gilbert said.
"Why are you sitting here?" Eric said.
"You seemed lonely," Gilbert said.
"You must be new", Eric said.
"Yeah,I used to be home schooled," He said.
"What was your name again?" Eric asked.
"Gilbert,". He said.
The boys became friends and they would sit together everyday. But Eric started to wonder how he became disabled or was he born that way. Gilbert would walk in crutches the type that hooks around your arm, everyday. One time a girl named Dixie tried to kick the crutches out from him,she wanted to see if he was really or was pretending. Gilbert would've fell on his face if Eric hadn't caught him. Dixie apologized, but now Eric has a bone to pick with her. But 1 month into their friendship, Eric asked him something.
"Were you born disabled?" Eric asked.
Gilbert paused for a minute.
"Oh,are you not comfortable talking about it,sorry I asked," Eric said.
"I was born with misshapen legs," He said."My sister too".
"Oh,Sorry", Eric said.
“Nah it's OK," Gilbert said.
Gilbert and Eric became best friends,they would spend all their spare time together. They knew each other very well and Gilbert would go over to Eric's house. Sometimes Lia,Gilberts sister. Would come over,and play with Eric's younger siblings Jane and Ryan. Sara,Eric's mom. Was usually working. Sara was a business woman,and she also has to take care of her 3  children by herself,but Eric would babysit until she got home.  All in all, Gilbert and Eric had a Great friendship  

It started out as any other day Eric sat down at the lunch table,and started to eat expecting Gilbert would sit his tray down and sit next to him. But their was no sign of Gilbert,and the bell had rung. Eric picked up his tray and threw it away,then got in line, this thing continued for about a week. Where Gilbert wouldn't show up, Eric had enough and decided to go to Gilberts house.
Eric knocked on the door, Eric heard noises including the sound of locks being unlocked. Lia Poked her head around the door,she looked at Eric with a scared look.
"Hey is Gilb-," Eric said before being interrupted.
"Listen,we don't have much time," Lia said."Go back to your house and get your brother and sister."
"What?" Eric said.
"Just Do it,OK?" Lia said before closing the door.
Eric pressed his ear against the door and heard mumbling, it wasn't just Lia's Muttering but another persons. Eric could hear Lia saying the persons name,Bella. Eric wanted some answers so he started to walk towards his house,when he got their his brother and sister were in a corner looking scared for their lives.
"Whats wrong?" Eric asked,while crouching down to talk to his siblings.
"The Bull!" Ryan cried."It tried to get us!
"What happened?" Eric asked.
"I was taking Jane out on a walk with me,and Then I just saw this bull looking thing charging at us," Ryan said."So I ran into the house with Jane and we crouched in the corner."
"What exactly did it look like?" Eric asked.
"Half man,Half bull", Ryan said.
"Minotaur?" Eric thought."No that's impossible."
"Come with me," Eric said.
Eric picked up Jane,then took Ryan's hand." Lets go," Ryan said. They all walked out the door,and after a few minutes were at Gilberts place. Eric knocked on the door. The same noises of locks being unlocked started. Lia opened the door and ushered them to come inside. They all stepped  inside. The house wasn't that spacious as it looks. It was dark and at a table and girl sat she had golden Eyes and her hair matched. Lia locked the door and sat down at the table.
"Eric,Ryan,Jane, this is Bella," Lia said."I need to tell all of you guys something".
Eric didn't know what to do so he put Jane in a chair, Ryan sat down,and Eric did the same.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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