{ 𝚙 𝚛 𝚘 𝚕 𝚘 𝚐 𝚞 𝚎 }

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Welcome everyone that has decided to read my book!!

First things first, thank you for choosing to read this book out of a thousand other ones! I really hope you enjoy it, leave a vote, and a comment on your thoughts of the book. Also, I have a tiktok just for this book! It's @/traumawriter, so go give it a follow! I'll be posting tiktoks of the writing journey, when each chapter is up, outfits of the characters, aesthetics, and hints of the book.

I just wanted to give a small run down before the book starts:

~ If you don't like x reader books, I will be posting this exact book, but with a character. Everything will be the same except for instead of y/n, there will be an actual name there, so everyone can have a choice of which book they would like to read better!

~ If there is an outfit for the chapter, it will be posted at the beginning of the chapter. Y/N is an extremely rich wizard, so her outfits will have to show that. Please don't comment on things like "I would never wear that" and so on because I frankly don't care. It's my book and I will write it in the way I seem fit. Y/n will also have long, curled hair pretty much the whole book. It's part of the story, but it can be in your hair color.

~ There will be spice in this book, but y'all will have to be patient because I'm not going to have them do the dirty when they're literal children. The time will come at the right moment. ;)

~ Your given last name is, Whitmore. It just goes with the story better, but if you prefer your last name, please feel free to change Whitmore to yours as you read.

~ Lastly, the storyline is changed a little bit to fit the needs of y/n because she will not be running around with Harry and his friends. There will be some scenes that I add in to give the book some extra spice. I by no means own the rights to the Harry Potter books or any of the characters. I only own the Whitmore family name and a few scenes that are obviously made up to fit in the storyline. 

Extra Information:

y/n= your name

y/f/n= your father's name

y/m/n= your mother's name

y/h/c= your hair color

y/e/c= your eye color

If I missed any, please let me know and I'll come back to add them! 

Now, please enjoy the relationship you're about to dive into of Draco Malfoy and yourself! Have fun, but not too much fun ;)


𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚 (𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now